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Hey All,

My girl is 13 weeks and has the runs quite bad at the moment. When we got her we were given two lots of wet food to try, we have recently gone back to the first lot and in the past she has never had a problem with the change over. She is still eating fine and seems to have the same amount of energy. Is it perhapes the combination of the change of food and maybe the heat at the moment (as i am in Victoria) that could be causing it?

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Hard to tell from the information given.

How long was she one the "newly re-introduced food" before the runs began?

Is she still on the "newly re-introduced food"?

Does she still have the runs, or are they abating?

What food is it?

Is she still well in appearance and demeanor?

How long has she been exhibiting the runs?

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Hard to tell from the information given.

How long was she one the "newly re-introduced food" before the runs began?

Is she still on the "newly re-introduced food"?

Does she still have the runs, or are they abating?

What food is it?

Is she still well in appearance and demeanor?

How long has she been exhibiting the runs?

Sorry Erny...

Started her on the new food on Friday evening..

Has had the runs for a couple of days now

We have cut back on the wet food and have been giving a little more dried, still waiting on improvement

All seems well in appearance and demeanor....

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There are others in this forum who are far more expert and qualified (through experience or otherwise) who could suggest.

However, if it were me, I think I'd have the littley down to the Vet to at least check temperature etc. etc. It bothers me that the runs have not improved. If the pup were an older dog I'd probably be comfortable enough to hold back and give it more time, but pups can be so much more quickly affected.

Is she drinking water ok?

Edited by Erny
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There are others in this forum who are far more expert and qualified (through experience or otherwise) who could suggest.

However, if it were me, I think I'd have the littley down to the Vet to at least check temperature etc. etc. It bothers me that the runs have not improved. If the pup were an older dog I'd probably be comfortable enough to hold back and give it more time, but pups can be so much more quickly affected.

Is she drinking water ok?

I really appriciate any advice, so thankyou. Yeah she is drinking water no problems.

Was going to take her tomorrow if things haven't improved today, they are a worry but i guess its better to be safe than sorry.

Thanks again Erny...

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Stop feeding her anything except cooked chicken and rice for about 24-48 hours and it should help settle it down, has she been wormed?

Sorry to harp .... but although I agree with turning towards a bland/exclusionary diet, I don't like the thought of yet another 48 hours going by for this youngster. Given that this pup has had the runs since Friday evening (ie 4 days), I would recommend the pup is taken to the Vet.

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I agree, 4 days is a bit too long..... Especially at this heat. If you decide to wait another day or two, check him regularly, look at his energy levels, how much water he is taking, check that his gums are not dry and pale. Is he still eating OK?

If it persists for another day definately take him to the vet.

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Hi erny - sorry she has not had the runs since Friday, we had changed the food on the friday and the runs started more Sunday evening, Monday morning. My boyfriend contacted our vet yesterday and they advised not to worry too much and to try the rice and chicken also. They said due to the fact that she is still lively and eating well, just keep an eye on it. We have puppy school at the vet tomorrow so we have said that if it is still bad tomorrow we will arrange an appointment in conjunction with that. If she seems upset tonight, we will see if we can get her in tonight...

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Hi erny - sorry she has not had the runs since Friday, we had changed the food on the friday and the runs started more Sunday evening, Monday morning.

Ok .... sorry - I misread your earlier posts.

We have puppy school at the vet tomorrow so we have said that if it is still bad tomorrow we will arrange an appointment in conjunction with that.

I might be being a worry wort but if it were me I would not attend puppy school with a pup that wasn't quite right health wise. If these 'runs' are the result of diet, there'd be no problem. But I'm erring on the side of caution and would hate to think that on the off chance it is something else, that it could be passed to the other pups within the group.

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Hi erny - sorry she has not had the runs since Friday, we had changed the food on the friday and the runs started more Sunday evening, Monday morning.

Ok .... sorry - I misread your earlier posts.

We have puppy school at the vet tomorrow so we have said that if it is still bad tomorrow we will arrange an appointment in conjunction with that.

I might be being a worry wort but if it were me I would not attend puppy school with a pup that wasn't quite right health wise. If these 'runs' are the result of diet, there'd be no problem. But I'm erring on the side of caution and would hate to think that on the off chance it is something else, that it could be passed to the other pups within the group.

Very good point, might give them a call and check what they think.... my boyfriend is the one who can easily get time off work to take her to the vet if need be, but he thinks she is right for the moment - if it was my way and i could get out of here i would have taken her yesterday as i am also a worry wort - If the situation is still bad when i get home i think i am going to take her to get checked.... she is just lovely and i adore her so i would hate anything to be wrong!

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How's your pup going, LilyW?

Hey Erny

We took her to the vet last night before puppy school - he said by the sounds of it she has a bug of the large intestine, which usually causes the runs but no other symptoms like being sick or not eating as it does not effect the stomach. He said it can linger and be quite frustrating but it is just one of those things that needs to pass. So she has tablets for the next 10 days and we are feeding her rice and chicken and will slowly introduce her dry and wet food again - things already seem to be improving - so i am happy..

We decided not to take her to puppy school, the vet said it would be fairly hard for another dog to get it but if they did get it they could get sick in the stomach which i would hate another puppy and owner to go through that. So she had a week off...

I am very happy my little girl is ok.... thanks for checking in Erny...

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Thanks for the up-date, L. And glad to hear your little one will be ok and that it's nothing too serious. I'm pleased you had it checked out - at least you know what you're dealing with. And I think you're wise and considerate to avoid puppy/puppy interaction for this week. Probably good for your little one not to become too stressed/hyper etc. either. :cheer:

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