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Crate Training


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A lot of people have been giving advice as to getting a dog crate trained which has been most welcomed, but what exactly is crate training? How is it done? Why is it done? What do you need? And what outcomes can be had from it?

This is just to clarify for myself and also the other new people out there who don't know about crate training.



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Hi Pete, crate training is a term to describe teaching a dog or pup to accept and like having time in a dog crate. The purposes include ease of toilet training, having a safe den for the indoor dog, being able to confine a dog if you need to by using a crate (this works indoors and outdoors), and being able to travel with your dog to places that may otherwise refuse you b/c your dog can be crated.

I have a lot of crates. I use them frequently with foster dogs and sometimes for my own dogs.

My current foster chooses to sleep inside a crate at night...door wide open. Sometimes, she curls up on its roof rather than inside it. :rofl:

You can find tips on crate training in this forum and many good dog training books.

I love crates b/c my dogs love crates. :laugh:

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Hi Pete, crate training is a term to describe teaching a dog or pup to accept and like having time in a dog crate. The purposes include ease of toilet training, having a safe den for the indoor dog, being able to confine a dog if you need to by using a crate (this works indoors and outdoors), and being able to travel with your dog to places that may otherwise refuse you b/c your dog can be crated.

I have a lot of crates. I use them frequently with foster dogs and sometimes for my own dogs.

My current foster chooses to sleep inside a crate at night...door wide open. Sometimes, she curls up on its roof rather than inside it. :laugh:

You can find tips on crate training in this forum and many good dog training books.

I love crates b/c my dogs love crates. :thumbsup:

You must be such a kind person to do such a wonderful thing. Do you also have any dogs that live with you all the time or do you just help the foster dogs unti they find a home? :rofl:

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A lot of people have been giving advice as to getting a dog crate trained which has been most welcomed, but what exactly is crate training? How is it done? Why is it done? What do you need? And what outcomes can be had from it?

This is just to clarify for myself and also the other new people out there who don't know about crate training.



Hi Pete, if you use the forum search button you will find heaps of information on this topic. It is frequently discussed.

Basically, it is about the pup/dog having their own place to sleep, eat, keep them out of mischief when you can't supervise them, and keep them from being annoyed or annoying other dogs.

It also helps with toilet training because the dogs don't tend to use their crate/den as a toilet. They queickly learn that the crate is their safe place and not only that, but the crate can be used in so many situations ie. keep puppy safe from over enthusiastic children, allows them undisturbed sleep, great for vet visits if your pup is used to being confined in a crate, and one I discovered as an added bonus.. family BBQ's where dogs are locked in the crate and can observe what is going on without being able to help themselves to unattended plates :thumbsup:

Make sure you buy the correct size crate for your dog, not too big that they might use one end for toileting, and big wnough so they can stand and turn around comfortably. You can make the crate a lovely retreat by putting their bed, a hanging water dish and toys, chewy things/bones in there for them.

Ebay sells them for reasonable prices, I think Puppypower is the name of one of the sellers.

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Hi Chi_lover, I have three dogs of my own. I often have one foster too!

There's a lot of us that rescue and foster...we can have multiple dogs at a time, or just one. If you're interested in fostering, most groups are always looking for new carers, just contact a group in your area and have a chat. ;)

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