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Why Did My Puppy Eat His Pooh?!


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Probably because he is a chi and thats what they do :)

Obviously you are feeding him a fairly non doggy diet that tastes fairly good at the waste product?

Some dogs do it for the rest of their lives, and for the life of me, I cant remember what it is actually called. Try feeding pinapple.

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If your pup was bred at a puppy mill and then sold in a pet store, this is what they are used to doing...eating their waste b/c it's not usually cleaned up by the millers or the retailers.

If OTOH, your pup is from a registered breeder, please contact them for advice. They know their breed, this pup's parents and undoubtedly this pup.

For general suggestions, many people have tried various remedies, including pineapple juice in the dog's food, removing waste immediately, training dog to go outside and removing waste immediately, feeding the dog green beans, feeding the dog a natural, raw foods diet, feeding the dog a top quality (super premium) appropriate (breed, age) dry foods diet.


Congrats on the puppy BTW - and we'd like pics! :)

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It's called Coprophagia.

Quick clean ups are the best way to prevent the pup from eating it. I don't think it will be too easy to break the pup from the habit if you are training him to go on paper inside the house. It's much easier if you are Toilet training the dog to go out in the yard.

One of my pups bought from an ethical, registered breeder did the same thing but with quick pick ups by me plus a training regime she stopped eating it at about 4 months of age. The breeder didn't have a solution to the problem.

She was also on a BARF diet. Some pups do this irrespective of what diet they are on.

I agree totally. Our dog, bought from ethical registered breeder, did it for a little while and he is on a BARF diet. He's over it now as we did the same as CavNRott. :) Quick clean ups are in the best interests of everybody.

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Dogs are dogs and not human, eating poo is normal for them.

Some dogs do eat poo and others don't.

You'll learn to live with it.

Now, you just have to train your dog to eat its' own poo so you don't have to clean the yard!

Eating poo is part of an age old instinct, it's not about puppies coming from petshops and puppy farms.

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What is the pineapple juice supposed to do? We have some dogs at work that do it - we now keep a very close eye on them! Of course they are the dogs with beards too! :rofl:

I think the pineapple juice is supposed to make the poo taste like...sh!t. But I haven't had to use this method so I don't know why it's often suggested.

BTW - was offering suggestions as to why a pup might eat its poo. It's not like I said the pup must have come from a mill or pet shop b/c it's eating poo. And often a breeder will know why a particular pup is exhibiting a particular behaviour...whereas a pet shop staffer may not have noticed it. ;)

One of my fosters ate her poo all the time, and then started eating OUR dogs' waste too!

I tried the green beans...which didn't work. Gave up after that! :o

Agreed that some dogs just eat poo. Yuck to us, fine to them. :laugh:

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I've heard several people here in Brissie say their dogs eat the possum poo that falls on the ground from the mango trees in the backyards. Someone told me why...but I can't remember what it was.

What sas said makes sense...they just DO eat poo, because it's what some dogs do.

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He is a purebred and was bought by a breeder with papers etc and his parents are show doggies. He only just started doing it I think. I've had him about 6 weeks now... What I'm feeding him is chicken mince raw or chicken thigh pieces, Eukanuba biscuits, Hills Science Diet canned food and if I run out I am naughty and grab him a Pal tin. I guess I do need to clean it up asap. It's just that when im not home I cant! But he is always left with food so shouldn't be hungry.

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I have a poo eater, no idea why he does it, he is 3 and has done it from time to time since the day i got him.

but only fresh stuff :hug::)

Just dont kiss the dog and all will be fine!

Ha ha that's the thing he loves licking my face and until now I didn't really mind too much. :hug:

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But he is always left with food so shouldn't be hungry.

That's probably one reason he's toileting so much...a dog that's got access to food in a constant manner won't have a toilet schedule that is easy to read. If a pup is toileting where they eat and sleep, they often have an instinct to 'clean up' too.

I'd try feeding him at fixed meal times and see if that helps to get his toileting on schedule so he's less inclined to eat his mistakes. ;)

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I am probably a bit late with this...but if someone reads it....

Both my dogs ate poo...and I was told pineapple juice or even the pineapple pieces......and I have to say...it worked....I pick up poo every morning and check again at night (before dark) in case there are some more...so pretty much...it is not left there for them.....

It is something to keep an eye on .because my dogs got a stomach bug from eating eachothers poo.....they lost alot of weight..but it soon got sorted out.


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Because he can. Sometimes it can be a sign of dietary deficiencies, some purists in animal behaviour say it is a throwback to wolf times when the animal used to keep the den clean of faeces so that predators didn't know there were younger dogs around, but most often it is a sign of boredom, or simply a bad habit, like chewing fingernails in humans.

The best method is prevention. Pick up as often as you can. Failing that, people have reported the pineapple trick to work. Others have found that canned pumpkin works (but this can be hard to source). Other remedies include sprinkling an "already laid" t*rd with paprika and allowing the dog to eat it...they generally only do this the once, or simply feeding a better quality diet which results in less "output".

For your part, make sure the puppy is wormed frequently with a good quality wormer and don't let him kiss you!! :cry:

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