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Barking Then Howling When I Am Not Home


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vet certificate we could certainly explore/obtain, thanks. Meanwhile they have had a week to themselves, and more exercise than usual. But it has been an interesting process of confirming what I already thought, one of the BC's is the source of the problem, remove her (or her vocal cords) and problem is really not a problem. If putting her inside when I am not home doesn't work then will need to look at collars I think. Thanks for all the suggestions people.

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I was recently told that it is now illegal to use them in NSW even with a vet's certificate, however, it is still perfectly legal to use an electric containment system :D

I'm from Victoria, so double check me - but I think what you've "recently heard" is a cross-wired interpretation of NSW law. My understanding is that it is illegal to import them (without a permit), but that restricted use is permitted?

Here in Victoria, you need to have the 'ok' from a Vet (as far as I can see, nothing in the legislation dictates that the Vet must grant permission in writing) AND the collar must be used under the supervision of and/or under instruction by a qualified dog trainer. I'm not 100% how this compares with NSW????

Edited by Erny
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ARF - now that you've found the triggering culprit (ie one of the BC's), have you/can you now explore what triggers the culprit into this behaviour? Is it possibly an anxiety induced behaviour? Be sure to check this first - before employing the use of a stim collar.

Edited by Erny
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Thanks Erny. She has always been extremely protective, particularly when I am not at home. Over the time I have had her a number of dog-savy people who have known her well for months have stated that they would not have entered the yard when I am not home. She has just turned 4. She was removed from mum and litter at 4 weeks and her fourth home was me when she was 8.5 weeks old:(

She has been an initially reluctant alpha but increasingly gained convidence with pack changes (had to), this might have heightened her overall levels of stress and stimulation.

I think the laneway next to me is a large part of the problem. She barks quite aggressively and I have previously found apple cores at gate and heard someone bang on the fence which is colourbond. My neighbour has said she has been quite bad for a long time. He cannot work on the side of his house or roof when I am not here, several metres away. Diesel the howler-in-crime will lie and watch him work when separated from Bella, only joins in if she starts (which is when I am out). Diesel joins her and unfortunately they have discovered the mutual joys of howling. He isn't otherwise very territorial and welcomes people at the gate.

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I was recently told that it is now illegal to use them in NSW even with a vet's certificate, however, it is still perfectly legal to use an electric containment system :laugh:

I'm from Victoria, so double check me - but I think what you've "recently heard" is a cross-wired interpretation of NSW law. My understanding is that it is illegal to import them (without a permit), but that restricted use is permitted?

Here in Victoria, you need to have the 'ok' from a Vet (as far as I can see, nothing in the legislation dictates that the Vet must grant permission in writing) AND the collar must be used under the supervision of and/or under instruction by a qualified dog trainer. I'm not 100% how this compares with NSW????

I heard the recent change from Innotek so I would presume it is right but would love to know if they are wrong :happydance2:

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