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Don't Train In Drive!


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WOW those are impressive eek1.gif That was through the bite suit?

yep, through the bite suit

the marks were left from a german shepherd


Hey FD maybe you'd like to wear the sleeve. This is right up your alley. laugh.gif

i would be able to offer the services of a few land sharks :)

Edited by Jeff Jones
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Although when the dog grabs on the inner thigh I have never seen a decoy NOT vocalise his concern at the dogs aim :)

Try having a DDB on a sleeve and the lovely chompy marks that come from that ... although I do have a small lump on my finger when the Malinois bit down and chipped the bone :rofl: ahhh dogs ...

Best one so far ... nice nip on the inner thigh (sorry boys no photos) by the DDB wowsa that was the cleanest shark bite mark ever! Thankfully my bf at the time knew me about to realise I wasnt havn some hanky panky on the side ... just randomly mauled by the pets :rofl:

Edited by Nekhbet
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Wow, those bruises through the sleeve are juicy ones Jeff. I'd love to try real sleeve work one day, it must be a real buzz. The closest I've seen to that is watching "K9 Boot Camp" - a series on the training of US Military Dogs on Foxtel, which was really good.

Any teeth marks I get from Flame a pretty tiny really, just on the thumb and hand where I hold the toy or Orbee Ball (product courtesy or K9 Force). When we're doing Dobe-play-fight-club, Flame will chomp and as soon as her jaws close she goes off the bite pressure... she can tell instantly if its me or the toy... and its like "OK I got you, let's go again" :rofl: - I try to tap her on the nose, face, neck or swipe her front paws from under her, and she tries to intercept my hands... that's the essence of the play-fight. It gets FRENETIC, and you don't even need any accessories. Just boxer shorts!! :rofl:

I imagine this is the type of game she played growing up with other Dobes - we didn't get Flame until she was almost one year old. I have never really pondered the psychology of the interaction, as Flame only does it with me and it feels very "natural". She always will submit to me when I swipe her to the ground and pin her down, my face on her neck. She relaxes immediately and purs contentedly. It's really cool. I think Flame and I "get" each other! :)

Edited by Flames_Daddy
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I have worn a sleeve a few times - it is scary :rofl: I knew the dogs and handlers very well, but the dogs were still heavier than me! I ended up on the ground one time :)

I have seen a few 'live' bites - one on the thigh, and video of one on the head :rofl: on different decoys but by the same dog who tended to be a 'dirty' biter. Both times due to handler error. The dog was one of Diesel's uncle's actually :rofl:

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  Flames_Daddy said:
OUCHY WOW-WOWS Dellahar - how does your hand look now? I imagine you have a momento of the event.

My hand has healed very well except for some nerve damage, I will forever have momento on my ankle as they were very deep and wide gashes.

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Oh Kavik sleeves are fun ... especially getting hit by a Malinois running full pelt :rofl: But you're right the ones with dodgy aim can put you off the sneaky little buggers!

I'm thinking of marketing it as a new cardio workout :)

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  K9 Force said:
K9: Oh man you guys should try some bite work with a dog then you will know what scratched bruised & bitten is! :o

My OH wanted to, asked you and I asked you and you wouldnt let him nor me, now you say "you should try".....

Lucky I bite.......... hard, he had a good time after :(

Just like Rex does in this pic (my fav show the teeth shot)


Edited by myszka
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Rumour has it that a new magazine may be making the newstands soon. Spicy Flame is in heat now, so she's extra saucy. She'd wiggling her "money-maker" and hot to trot. Yet another edition for Rexy to hide under his mattress?

Naughty boy! <tickle> Bad Bad Bad!! <snuggle> :o

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Im back alive :) only my fingers are swollen from bites :thumbsup: and I almost got a fat lip few times, but we are working on that. Ill put some solid entertainment for you FD, but Rex wont be the main star.

Edited by myszka
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  myszka said:
Im back alive :) only my fingers are swollen from bites :thumbsup: and I almost got a fat lip few times, but we are working on that. Ill put some solid entertainment for you FD, but Rex wont be the main star.

Bring on the entertainment. So are YOU going to be the main starlet, or is it going to be the delightful and ever-growing Divani??? :cheer:

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