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Regaining A Dogs Trust


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For some reason Nova seems to have become wary of me, yesterday i gave all the dogs a bone each and as usual he finished his first then he went and stole Darcys, something he has never done (well not with food), so i went to take it back and he growled and stared at me......now he has never been this aggressive ever not with anything and he regulary has raw bones that i can take off him but he has never growled at me like that before, for the first time i have had him i was actually scared off him and i swore to myself i wouldnt own a dog that would bite me ever again.

What is going on with him? Is it because it was "stolen" so a much greater prize? Even still i dont ever want him to do that again.

I have taken on a foster like nearly a month ago so i thought it may have been that but he hasnt been concerned with the other dog at all. He was still fine with me walking around him eating but now he will try to eat it quicker if i go near him.

Also at training particulary flyball his mind has gone back to like it has been when we started, he would be doing a run then would go a pee on a pole something that took me nearly a year to phase out and he just isnt even doing full runs at all.

The only big thing that i can really recall where he has been hurt in my presence is at a recent flyball comp where the heights were raised and he hit every jump on the way down and back and he went haywall the rest of the day he would stop and run over to the fence, not go over jumps......i just dont know whats happened.

Edited by tollersowned
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how old is he

is he sore always check medicals first

three dogs can really upset a household everything is changing and now the third dog has been theer a little while hes probabaly starting to find his place

Nova obviously feels he needs to be more competitive with food if hes gulping it down has the other dog stolen from him

and what was your dogs reaction to nova taking the bone

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hmm interesting,, similar thing is happening at my place. toby has started some food agressive and snappy behaviours.. not sure if its the age or what.. or the need to compete now remy is older and they are competing for top dog status.? he does dominate remy. tries to steal food , gulps it down, and will start a fight to get to remys.. remy is a slow eater and will sometimes submiss to toby,, but if its one of his fav foods he will fight back. which is what im worried about..., i have taken away food bowls.. because toby claims ownership over all of them,. i feed them individually by hand.. NILIF make them work for it. i get the kids to feed as well.

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Hi tollersowned

I don't know anything about these things but the other day you were saying the pack order was 1. Nova 2. JD 3. Darcy.

Do you think JD is maturing and asserting himself a little more?

Good luck and see you on Sunday.

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Nova is 4 (today actually lol)

I watch them eat every day and none of the others have stolen his food. He stole Darcys bone who let him do so, but Darcy was growling at Jd when he came near his bone but let Nova?

None of the others have gone near his bowl when he has been eating since he growled at me so not sure of his reaction too them, but he was better last night.

I havent seen JD try to assert himself, if anything they dont really take much notice anymore as the squabbles between JD and Darcy have all but stopped and they are playing and Nova isnt at all.

Might take him to get checked out, he is still running around and doesnt seem hurt at all.

Seita: This has only happened in the last few days, he has never been like this even when i know he didnt respect me when he was about 2 he couldnt give two hoots what i did/said, he didnt care.

I do make him sit, drop, watch and wait and he doesnt eat till i say he can.

Its frustrating we were actually getting somewhere and now its all falling apart......maybe i am putting too much pressure on him?

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I'm not a dog trainer or behaviourist, but I feel that it may have something to do with acquiring a third dog, especially if it's an adult. If I can avoid it I never bring an adult into my yard on a permanent basis, puppies yes, but bringing in strange adult dogs always upsets the status quo and tends to change behaviours and create problems.

Of course I'm only commenting on my experiences, I know that other people bring in strange dogs on a regular basis, but I've always found that it causes hassles and as I have five dogs I prefer to keep everything running smoothly :)

ETA if the new dog is a male this may also have something to do with it.

Edited by Miranda
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I thought it may have something to do with JD, Darcy is all over the place as well at the moment. However he growled at me, there is no need for that at all.

Yeah they are all male.

Suppose i should start really trying to get JD a home lol

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I think bones are major prizes, like 'he who has the most toys wins'

I never ever give my dogs or have ever given big chewy bones to dogs together. I always make sure they are private and have space. I am sure that your taking the bone peed him off just as he was saying to the rest of the pack

'look at me, look what i have' I don't think he mistrusts you at all, some dogs are spunky and are always a challenge, he will respect you all the more now you have nipped this in the bud.

I would try feeding him separately, do the on lead, wait, look permission routine. I would also give toys and take toys to see if he is really resource guarding or if it was just the bone and the particular situation. If you are at all worried about taking food from him for instance try with a broom handle and stuffed glove attached and throw him food with a 'good boy" when he allows you to take whatever he has.

He may be feeling his maturity, maybe the pole peeing is marking. Some dogs can get incredibly distracted by aromas when they are growing up, praise and treat, go back a few steps( in training) and praise and treat again. Find a toy for a reward if you don't already have one and only use that toy for his training reward as it will lose value if it is lying around.

Hope I am not teaching grannie to suck eggs here as you always seem totally confident with your lovely dogs.

Good luck.

BTW you already know that if he does get a bit too much up himself you need to get some personal help in your home.

oh and happy birthday Nova :)

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As you're competing with your dogs and you want them happy and training well I think that rehoming the new dog is probably your best option. Anything that upsets the status quo and affects their performance is best avoided IMO, but as I said before I'm not an expert in this field :)

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K9: I would say that you have a pack problem, when you bring another dog into the pack it upsets the apple cart, many people think as long as there are no fights, its all good. But pack problems often start off subtle & become dramatic through some of the symptoms you desribe.

I would suggest you do start the TOT if you already havent. If you have make it much more challenging.

He will growl again btw...

Start that & the NILIF with all dogs & watch closely for the change in behaviour to swing back towards normal & reward that change..

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OK i will try and get the concept of the TOT and NILF, i dont really understand it thats why i havent tried it.

Im not planning on keeping JD, he is here till he finds a home but i will be fostering on a regular basis now so i dont want them to get their noses out of joint when a new dog comes.

Miranda - Your advice is always welcome :)

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OK i will try and get the concept of the TOT and NILF, i dont really understand it thats why i havent tried it.

Im not planning on keeping JD, he is here till he finds a home but i will be fostering on a regular basis now so i dont want them to get their noses out of joint when a new dog comes.

Perhaps Nova (and to a certain extent Darcy) just aren't comfortable about fosters coming and going..?? :rainbowbridge:

As Miranda says, I know my crew are not happy at all about adult dogs coming into the yard, and I know my boss's Labs are the same, it just upsets things too much. All my dogs have very different personalities and I can't foster because I don't have the facilities to keep foster dogs separate and my dogs 'safe' (and free from extra stress).


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Dogs can suddenly become more protective of food when they go on a diet if they are a bit hungry (not saying that you should stop the diet of course), it has happened with one of my dogs- could it be a factor of the new dog and the diet?

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Possibly, i did start the diet about a week after i got JD.

So do you think this has nothing to do with being aggressive too me but that he is a bit more protective over food because of a combination of a new dog and less food?

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