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Puppy Sick


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Hi all,

well my baby is 13 weeks old..

He is sneezing alot and coughing..and every now and then he has a really bad cough/choke.

He has a runny nose too.

He is eating fine...has been vaccinated..

any advice?

I will get him down to the vet first thing but what do I need to watch out for.??

I have only had cats and with the experieince of cat flu this is making me nervous...

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It may be Kennel Cough, it's rampant at the moment. Make sure you take your puppy to the vet tomorrow, they will probably give you an anti-biotic to fight off any secondary infection that may set in from the virus.

Dogs who have been vaccinated for Kennel Cough still get it :)

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My mums dog got kennel cough recently too much to our suprise as we thought "but she's vaccinated, how can she get it?". The vet told us that the vaccine covers 2 out of 8 strands of kennel cough or something. Something that they never tell you when you take you're dog for their vaccines, lol. But i believe it covers the worse 2, kinda like getting the flu vaccine in humans.

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About 5 years ago I was working at a vets and kennel cough was rampant there. I had vaccinated my 8 dogs for kennel cough and 5 of them ended up coughing anyway. My understanding is that it is like us getting the flu vacc - only works for some strains. I don't vaccinate for it routinely anymore. I have vaccinated my current pup with C5 though cause she had pneumonia as a tiny pup and I wanted to do all I can to lessen the risk of her picking it up.

I hope your pup improves quickly :thumbsup:

BTW love the pic!

Edited by Gretel
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Yep, canine cough is lurking everywhere at present, so vaccinate with at least a C5.

As stated, many strains, but only some covered by the vaccination.

But, well worth the while. Next time your at the vets ask how much if a dog came in with a bad strain of the canine cough and what the poor beast has to go through?

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