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Update: Jack Is At The Vet Today


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I don't know how you coped each time Ollie dog went to the vet in his down times, Jodie. I kept thinking of Jack all day today and he was knocked out in dreamy land the whole time! :laugh:

Do you think I should feed him chicken and rice tonight? Just something plain? I've never seen him groggy like this. He barely accepted his antibiotics tablets even though they were in cubes of cheese. All he wants to do is sleep, poor bub.

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Thanks, folks.

He's shown absolutely no interest in our usual food prep tonight -- didn't move while I cooked our dinner, didn't get up after we finished dinner etc. I'll try him on something small just so that his tummy isn't empty before bed time.

It is so odd to see this big boofhead of a dog reduced to a floppy rag doll. It took him four attempts to cock his leg outside before. He kept losing his balance.

I bet he'll be back to his usual self in the morning, though :laugh:

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How is Jack this morning?

Hope he is feeling better...

Mooper, if he ever has to be knocked out again for anything, ask for the more expensive anaesthetic... It sounds like he had the cheaper one... When I say more expensive - it really isn't, there is only about a $20 difference and they do not wake up anywhere near as groggy... The cheaper one used to knock Ollie around heaps... When he started having the better one, he used to just wake up and he was fine - never sick or sad looking...



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He's mostly back to his old self :rolleyes: Drinking lots of water, but it's a warm morning and I presume the anaesthetic dried him out. His appetite is back, too.

His eye is a bit goopy again this morning, so I cleaned it with saline first thing, then later put this morning's ointment on it. He gets more ointment as soon as we get home, and just before bed. Between that and the antibiotics, we should knock this on the head :rolleyes:

There's no sign of it in his left eye, which is a mighty good thing.

Thanks for the tip about anaesthetic, Jodie. If we need to do this again sometime, I'll ask for the more gentle option. It was very odd to have Jack leaning against me for support while he ate his measly dinner last night!

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