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Eating Issues


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Daegon has been hardly eating for the past, I'm guessing, 4-6 weeks. I have been very strict with him and pick his food up in 10 minutes if it's not eaten but it's not making a smidge of difference.

He was a fussy baby for a while, but after getting strict with him then he ate well again and has done up until recently. He is thin (not dangerously thin, but he looks like a Dobermann, not a Rottweiler) and not even the new road work exercise is increasing his hunger. I NEED him to eat more and gain weight, this is getting ridiculous and I am starting to get extremely frustrated.

I've tried satin balls, didn't even want those...even the mince stuff he used to love he doesn't really care for. He eats just enough to get by every day and that's it, even with Kovu eating right next to him now for 'encouragement'.

I just don't know what to do anymore :thumbsup:

Can anyone tell me a sure way to get him really hungry so that he will eat? PLEASE?? Why can't he be like other dogs and want to eat all day? :eek:

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No, I haven't him checked out for his eating issues...he did get a general check up before his first adult booster shot around 2-3 weeks ago though and he was fine. What could be wrong internally? Perhaps I should take him back and ask about this particular issue?

Bloody hell, I want some of that sauce :eek:

Will look out for it in the supermarket next time I'm in there :thumbsup:

ETA: no I haven't tried the Nutrigel, I have been meaning too though. My mum suggested Pentavite...I think that is the human formula? Apparently I was worse than Daegon as a baby...I was a non-thriver...wish I was a non-thriver now :love::)

Edited by shekhina
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Could it be his tonsils? That will stop them eating.

On Ozshow somebody mentioned a medicine called Periactin which can get them eating again. I've googled it and it is an anti-histamine. Pharmacist Only so you'd have to ask for it.

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Another thing you could try is Incremin. It is used to stimulate the appetite in babies and children and is available at any Chemist. Personally, I have had great success with Nutrigel/Nutripet.

Edited by Norskgra
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Thanks guys.

Yes Warley Daegon has been on one tablet of Zinc everday since you told me about it. I am so frustrated some days I could honestly strangle the bast...ah, darling.

I think I'll try the nutrigel first...but geez it's pricey, especially when you're giving it to such a big, heavy dog. If that doesn't work I'll then try the Periactin...I don't feel very comfortable shoving anti-histamines down his throat.

If that doesn't work, I'm going to shoot the bast...ah, darling.

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don't feel very comfortable shoving anti-histamines down his throat.

About five other people agreed that the Periactin doesn't hurt so I certainly wouldn't have any qualms about trying it. Not that I have that problem....my problem is that everybody is on the portly side and go foraging for more the instant their ration is gone!


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He gets either Bonnie Working Dog or Great Barko kibbles, with sardines in oil, egg, natural yoghurt etc. every few days. He also gets a meat mix of all kinds of stuff as well as chicken wings/frames/drumsticks (which he has also refused at one stage in this 4-6 week period).

I'm going to check his throat soon, I'm just waiting for my foster to be picked up :thumbsup:

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If it was me I would be taking a deep breath and try a fresh start.

Presuming you have eliminated any health issues I would leave the dog 24hours without food then introduce a bland chicken & rice diet(cooked), like you would feed an invalid.

I would ensure that I only fed small meals, leaving the dog looking for more each feed.

I would feed twice daily and be content with the dog just eating - not wanting to fatten it up at this stage.

If this food was tolerated and totally consumed I would start introducing a little raw minced chicken frame (available from Lenards) into the cooked chicken & rice mix gradually increasing the percentage of raw and reducing the percentage of cooked - still feeding twice daily but making sure I didn't overfeed.

After a while & would introduce Vets All Natural Dry Mix and then continue on gradually introducing raw chicken necks, lamb flaps, etc.

I wouldn't be worried about too much variety too soon but would always ensure to underfeed rather than overfeed. The stomach has to get used to having food in it. Feeding three times daily can put weight on but if you feed too much too soon you will be back in the same situation you are currently in.

You have to re-educate your dog in its eating habits.

When you have your dog eating readily then, and only then, you can increase its food, add different foods, try to put weight on, etc. This might take 4-6weeks.

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OK well Daegon's throat is fine, he's just being a stubborn bastard...some days I could strangle this dog :D

Thanks for those tips Saltwood, I will definitely give them a go if the Nutrigel doesn't fix his appetite to start with :eek:

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Well after two days of feeding Kovu in front of him and not even offering any food to Daegon, he is now eating again :cheer:

Yesterday I offered him food twice and he cleaned the bowl both times, today so far he's had two meals, he'll have at least one more. I'm starting off with small amounts and will gradually increase them to get the weight back on him. Even after just eating for two days he looks much better, he's usually impossible to get weight on but now he's making a liar out of me :thumbsup:

Thanks for the tips Saltwood, making him look for more food each meal seems to be working, and I'll increase what I offer him gradually.

He really didn't like not even being offered food...he looked so sad like he felt he was never going to get fed again :party:

Worked though :cheer:

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I am not sure if it is related but my staffy x wasnt overly keen on Barko. She thought it was ok at first but after a few days you could tell she wasnt keen. She would eat it but reluctantly. I changed over to Supercoat and she devours it.

My GSD loved it though.

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