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Another Puppy Pulling Thread~ Sorry


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Frodo the nearly 6 month old Pap is getting really good with the lead around the home and acerage...walks nice, doesn't pull ( tho sometimes a duck or something takes his interest and he try to belt off, occasionally hitting the end of the lead, but usually I can stop him before he gets that far with my voice) But when I go out to the park etc, it is a battle to stop him half choking himself. I don't want him to hurt his throat when he does hit the end of the lead. He usually settles after 15 minutes. Should I get a halter thingy while he is learning? I am using a flat collar and light nylon lead. I am starting obedience in about 4 weeks time. Which brings another question...can he go to obedience with a healing ringworm, or does it have to be totally gone? I am SO over vet bills :laugh:

Thanks in advance, kym

PS/ To those who remember..Murphy's bum has made a total recovery, and frodos shoulder injury has responded finally to rest, so no xrays were needed, tho a chiro gave him a beauty massage HHH. It was muscular strain apparently, tho now he has a ringworm :)

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I have found the following method works quite well:

As soon as the pup gets to the end of the lead abruptly turn and walk the other way so the pup is now behind you. Wait for him to catch up to you and if he gets ahead, turn around and walk in the original direction.

You may have to walk back and forth over the same are multiple times and feel like a bit of a knob but EVENTUALLY the dog gets the idea that by pulling he goes nowhere.

Good luck. :)

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When you get to the park, start a little attention exercise. Is he food motivated, loves a certain toy?

Crouch down and when he starts bounding about call him to you. Reward him whne he comes back and get him to sit. Give him a free command and when he bounds off quickly call him back and reward him for coming back to you again. When he gets the idea walk a few steps and then stop then call him back, especially if you see him starting to bolt away. He will soon get the idea in a positive manner. Walking him on a harness will not really help, except to let him pull more without any discomfort.

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