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Nails Nails


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Ok, It is driving me mad!!

At has BAD nails, he also HATES me touching them.

The quick (is that what its called? the pink bits?) are VERY long. At the moment i am using a file and gettin gstuck into them every few nights, but they are so long now that they are turning under his paws.

Any ideas what i can do? I really am at a loss - i dont want them cut, cause it will hurt him (and i wont cut them myself)



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i think you should file even more often than you are currently doing, because, the closer that you get to the quick, the shorter the quick will be in the future.

and then when the quick starts to get shorter, cut them regularly, and you'll see the quick getting shorter and shorter.

and as for him not liking you touch his nails, praise and award him after each nail at first, then once each paw, until you can get to once per session. I had this problem with Paris at first too, but it just takes time.

good luck! :)

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Rileys nails are super long, but his got to one length and havent grown anymore.

The vet tried to cut them and Riley nearly bit him! Riley has never had a go at anyone in his entrie life! He really hates other people near his feet.

The vet said we could leave them for now as they arent doing any harm or we could get him sedated to do it.

Because he lets me near his feet Ive just been cutting the tiniest bit off every few days. His nails are black which sucks as I cant see the quick so I just cut the smallest amount.

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If you allow the nails to become very long they will interfere with the dog's ability to walk and run, he may also injure the nails which may break or be pulled off. If they come off cleanly it's not too bad but if the nail is hanging, half on and half off the dog will be in a lot of pain and you will have to have the dog sedated to have it removed.

If I were you I would take the dog to the vet, have him sedated and get the nails cut back, then you can keep them trimmed. Believe me I speak from experience, overly long nails can be a real problem.

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Well, i was going to talk to Warley about it... but we both forgot!! :)

I mentioned it to my vet a while back, he said he rather not do it, but if it is the case that i need to do it, i will find someone else

Does it hurt them much? (i mean when they wake up?)

ETA - Also, if i do hurt his feet, there will be no chance of him letting me near him again! :p

ALSO :D His dew claws are the ones that grow the fastest - can anything be done about them? (by that i mean can they be removed? but i dont want to say it out loud incase i get flamed!!)

Edited by Terrorbull
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Well, i was going to talk to Warley about it... but we both forgot!! :p

I mentioned it to my vet a while back, he said he rather not do it, but if it is the case that i need to do it, i will find someone else

Does it hurt them much? (i mean when they wake up?)

ETA - Also, if i do hurt his feet, there will be no chance of him letting me near him again! :D

ALSO :D His dew claws are the ones that grow the fastest - can anything be done about them? (by that i mean can they be removed? but i dont want to say it out loud incase i get flamed!!)

Just get the vet to cut them back to the quick under sedation, then you can continue to trim them a little each week and the quicks will gradually shrink back. Yes you can get the dewclaws removed but it will have to be done under a GA (why would anyone flame you, it's a perfectly legitimate question? :) )

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Hey TB have your pooches got somewhere they can run on concrete/other hard surfaces for a bit? That can wear them down naturally. Might not be enough in your situation though.

They spend most of the day in the garage (concrete) I normally walk them atleast once every 2 days (not at the moment, but this problem has been here longer then that anyway!) Kaos has NO problems.

Well, i was going to talk to Warley about it... but we both forgot!! :p

I mentioned it to my vet a while back, he said he rather not do it, but if it is the case that i need to do it, i will find someone else

Does it hurt them much? (i mean when they wake up?)

ETA - Also, if i do hurt his feet, there will be no chance of him letting me near him again! :D

ALSO :D His dew claws are the ones that grow the fastest - can anything be done about them? (by that i mean can they be removed? but i dont want to say it out loud incase i get flamed!!)

Just get the vet to cut them back to the quick under sedation, then you can continue to trim them a little each week and the quicks will gradually shrink back. Yes you can get the dewclaws removed but it will have to be done under a GA (why would anyone flame you, it's a perfectly legitimate question? :) )

Ok, i might have to think about it , reg. the flaming - DOL has been getting very heated very fast the last few weeks, so just watching my back!

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Don't be a sook TB and cut them yourself.....Atlas will surely get over it.........wont he...... :p only teasing....i know how hard they can be with their little tootsies.

When Mallee was crated after her surgeries and no walkies for six months her nails got soo long it was ridiculos and she hated us going near them, but i sat down with her every night (well basically lay on her) and just nicked a bit of the top of each one. I also found that if i let her eat the actual nail that i had cut off she was heaps more happy about it happening for some strange unknown reason. :) I think you just have to keep at it.

I got the best pair of clippers - i can't remember the brand, but i got them from PetStock and the are red and white- they are sought of like big scissors, and also have a nice file on them and come with this powder soultion that you dip their nail into if it starts bleeding. I have found them to be really good as you can snip the nail really quickly with them, not like those other ones that you struggle to get the nail into the round circle hole to cut it. I will find out the brand tonight and post it up.

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Don't be a sook TB and cut them yourself.....Atlas will surely get over it.........wont he...... :p only teasing....i know how hard they can be with their little tootsies.

When Mallee was crated after her surgeries and no walkies for six months her nails got soo long it was ridiculos and she hated us going near them, but i sat down with her every night (well basically lay on her) and just nicked a bit of the top of each one. I also found that if i let her eat the actual nail that i had cut off she was heaps more happy about it happening for some strange unknown reason. :) I think you just have to keep at it.

I got the best pair of clippers - i can't remember the brand, but i got them from PetStock and the are red and white- they are sought of like big scissors, and also have a nice file on them and come with this powder soultion that you dip their nail into if it starts bleeding. I have found them to be really good as you can snip the nail really quickly with them, not like those other ones that you struggle to get the nail into the round circle hole to cut it. I will find out the brand tonight and post it up.

Cutting them isnt a problem, i would do them if i could (or get someone else to) - the quick (sp?) is to long and if i use cutters at all i will hurt him

I had a good look today, and there are prob only 6 nails that are bad - 2 in the middle of his front paws and his dew claws. The other nails on his front are short. the back ones are longish, but the quick is VERY short in them.

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