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Bach Flower Essences


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I have Bob on some Bach Flower Essences [not RR] to deal with some training and fear issues. This is the second week I've been dosing him. I have noticed some improvement with some things, we are obviously training as well as giving them, but other issues are actually exagerated. Does this happen sometimes with the remedies, it gets worse before it gets better?

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I have Bob on some Bach Flower Essences [not RR] to deal with some training and fear issues. This is the second week I've been dosing him. I have noticed some improvement with some things, we are obviously training as well as giving them, but other issues are actually exagerated. Does this happen sometimes with the remedies, it gets worse before it gets better?

I went and looked at my text book, and one suggestion for this was that too many remedies were being used at once. How many are you using?

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I'm no expert. Had used RR previously on other animals (and myself) but didn't notice a discernable difference.

HOWEVER, recently I have tried a young and VERY nervous dog (14 month old American Cocker) on RR plus Bach Flower Essences and have noticed an amazing difference in his behaviour and attitude.

So I'm not sure, but maybe if you tried the Essences added to RR as Midniara suggested to me, you might see an overall improvement?

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I have one of my fosters on Bach Flower..who made it up for you? Was it done by a naturopath?

The solution made up for my girl has had astounding results with her many "special needs", if you require the name of a great place to go let me know.

Hi Crazy beagle lady, i would love a contact for the bach flower. My kelpie cross has been on all kinds of medication with no success. i'd rather try natural stuff than persist with chemicals.

If you could help that would be great!


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but other issues are actually exagerated. Does this happen sometimes with the remedies, it gets worse before it gets better?

Yep. That can happen with alternative therapies but too hard to give a blanket diagnosis over the net. Best to have your dog seen by someone involved in alternative treatments.

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Sunnybrook Health Store

553A North Road, Ormond, Victoria

Ph: 03 9578 6400

Its on the opp side to Pet Stock and nearly opp Kentucky! Huge Yellow double fronted shop.

They are amazing, One of my fosters has had a horrific life, she suffers from sep anxiety (medically diagnosed), food agression, guarding and attacking. We (my vet and I) wanted to try alternate solutions rather than medication. Within days the improvments were amazing, I now only give it to her the 3 days a week that no humans are around (and only once a day).

She has gone from being aggressive to the other beagles, no longer jumping fences and gates to get to me, no longer shredding all bedding, she has stopped digging to saigon (although still digs random potholes on occasion!), she has stopped attacking, guarding and her food related issues are 95% improved (she has been starved previously), She no longer howls like a demon or screams where possible! She is alot more relaxed and much happier.

go down the back of the shop and you will see the Naturopath areas- ask to speak to one of them. I spent over 40 mins with one of them and the end result only cost me pittance- under $20. Explain whats going on to them (Rescue Remedy did not work on our girl), expalin both positive and negative behaviours and they will make a solution up for the individual needs. :rofl:

We needed something to help calm her and help her understand she was safe so we could help correct her behaviour and im delighted we took this course rather than the medicated option.

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Sunnybrook Health Store

553A North Road, Ormond, Victoria

Ph: 03 9578 6400

Thanks for this CBL. I had the mix made up at my Health Food Shop. I chose the essences after doing a lot of reading and research and discussed it with a friend who has done the Bach course. I don't drive but OH often works around Ormond, so perhaps when he's next down that way I'll ring them and get him to pick it up, if they'll do that.

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:rofl: just let them know over the phone what issues you are having- or even email them

Dont forget to add both positive and negative behaviours


Sunnybrook Health Store

553A North Road, Ormond, Victoria

Ph: 03 9578 6400

Thanks for this CBL. I had the mix made up at my Health Food Shop. I chose the essences after doing a lot of reading and research and discussed it with a friend who has done the Bach course. I don't drive but OH often works around Ormond, so perhaps when he's next down that way I'll ring them and get him to pick it up, if they'll do that.

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I went and looked at my text book, and one suggestion for this was that too many remedies were being used at once. How many are you using?

I'm using 5 remedies. Thought that would be okay as RR has 5 in it.

Yeah, it should be ok normally :confused: Are you just treating one issue, or does he have a few different ones that you are addressing at the same time? The book suggests that you go back to using one or two remedies only (to treat one issue at a time), and "only start assessing again when there is no further improvement from this mix." Hope this helps. :)

eta You can email [email protected] They offer free help and advice with the remedies. (This is Mount Vernon, the Dr Edward Bach Centre in England).

Edited by monsterpup
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Yeah, it should be ok normally :laugh: Are you just treating one issue, or does he have a few different ones that you are addressing at the same time? The book suggests that you go back to using one or two remedies only (to treat one issue at a time), and "only start assessing again when there is no further improvement from this mix." Hope this helps. :rofl:

eta You can email [email protected] They offer free help and advice with the remedies. (This is Mount Vernon, the Dr Edward Bach Centre in England).

I'm treating more than one issue, but they are sort of linked. :rofl: What I am using is:

Beech for his allergies but also intolerance of change

Cerato for lack of confidence, easily distracted and DIFFICULT TO TRAIN. Unable to concentrate

Chicory for extreme attention seeking won't leave me alone, won't allow others to have attention.

Impatiens for exitability and rushing

Rock Water again for resistance to change, lack of adaptability, and territorial issues.

As I said before some behaviours have slightly improved such as the inflexibility and trainability, but the constant need to be with me [Chicory] has become exagerated and he's become even more territorial with me when it come to my OH. Not a good thing. :mad

I guess what I need to do is remove the Chicory and Rock Water as they are the two that govern those emotions? and see what happens. Or perhaps it would just be better to contact the people at Ormond.

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Has anyone diagnosed these( your current dogs issues?) symptons before?

Have any of you being trained in natural remedies?

Yes. I have level 2. But I would never claim to know everything, which is why I consult my text books, or contact Mt Vernon. Didn't mean to tread on your toes. I'm sure the assistant at your health food store is a good option :laugh: I will bow out now as I was just brainstorming with the op. Good luck Bloss, I'm sure you will find the right answer. :rofl:

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Hi everyone, i spoke with Angie at the Sunny Brook Health Store (thanks again Crazy Beagle Lady), she was great. She has made me up a mix and it was only $15.95. I'll let you all know how it works. I live in Ballarat and she was happy to send it to me! :thumbsup:

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