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How Do You Display Your Dogs Ribbons?


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How does everyone display their ribbons that their dogs have won? Going through the shed the other day I found a box with all the ribbons from my previous dogs & I have washed them all carefully & hung them up to dry & would like to put them back up on the wall with the ones from current dogs, but how do people do it? The old ones were stuck up with blutac :cry: the new ones are stuck up with coloured pins (like you use on a cork board) along our picture rail, but Im not sure I like them like that (hanging down rather than across) & I dont like the coloured pins sticking out everywhere :) .

Does anyone else have different ways that they display theirs?

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I have bought a big cork board that i pin them onto. They dont all fit but i just put up the best ones and the rest are under the bed in a plastic bag.

I used to have some blue tacked around the dog room but they started falling down after a while so i find the board easier to keep them on.

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Mrs D some of my friends have bought these really natty ribbon hangers - I think they are advertised in the Canine Journal.

In my house, the most recent ribbon is displayed on the fridge - the best of the rest hang on a pinboard in the study. I'm thinking about a ribbon hanger though.

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Thanx guys :laugh: .

Jesomil, I will most definitely be putting any I keep in storage in a plastic bag next time, I was shocked at how filthy they had got just sitting in a box :rofl: .

PF, were they advertised in the NSW journal? I dont get that anymore, but I will keep an eye out in the CCCQ Dog World in case they advertise them as well.

Since neither my old dog or bitch are with us anymore :( :D what I thought I might do is perhaps put a photo of them up in the hallway (I have a couple that I had blown up years ago that would be nice) & display their respective ribbons with the photo. That's how I had them when they were alive & I had them on display in my old house. Then I would put Jonty's & Ebony's just along a bit further.

ETA - where's my rock, thats a nice idea too - much better than just a coathanger or similar which is sometimes used :laugh: .

Edited by MrsD
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I have seen them sewn on fabric and made into a wall hanging.

You could make one with a sheet of material, a piece of timber threaded through top and bottom (or something like a curtain rod) and then sew or pin the ribbon on the fabric.

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Ummmmm I've got a few - but not quite that many :D . Although thats a good point where's my rock, I havent come across my horsey ones yet, I hope they havent been lost :) .

Boxagirl, I have an old pic somewhere of some of my old dogs ribbons & trophies, I'll see if I can drag it out & scan it. The new dogs are a disappointment so far in comparison :thumbsup: but give them time :) .

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I made cushions out of my smaller qualifying ribbons.

To display the sashes, I bought some bookshelves from Ikea, removed all but the centre shelf, glued cork tiles onto the back and then pinned them on (horizontally, not hanging down) I added glass doors to the shelf (Ikea's great for add ons!) so they don't get dusty. I use the centre shelf for photos and trophies.

I have also seen sashes put under glass on the top of a coffee table - that looked pretty cool!

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I need to go through all mine (Well the dogs) and sort them out. I used to blu tack them to the wall, but they kept falling down. Not sure what i will do with them all yet.

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kelpiechick - that sounds alot like how I used to display my smaller ones with all my trophies on my pine hutch, but I put the larger sashes up on the wall, I will dig the pic out & scan it.

JAG - that dust is a killer :rofl:

TrustUs - why should we trust you or her? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I dont remember mine falling down alot with blutack, just thought there might have been a better way. I LOVE that ribbon holder that PF posted the URL for, very very compact , but I do like the lovely big sashes when they are put up across-wise rather than hanging down - they look so nice that way :rofl: .

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At the moment they hang on the fridge but I have a large picture frame that i intend putting the ribbons and some pics into (we are new to this whole ribbon winning thing so we only have 2 ribbons and a rosette - but they are all 1sts!!!) I must say it really has been worth the wait for them though - as we either come 1st or are eliminated, there seems to be no in between with my little girl.

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