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Another thread just reminded me to post this

Molly is 14 months old, we got her at 8 months, and she was HORRIBLE with mouthing at peoples hands, and wrists, obviously no one ever stopped her as a pup

Now she no longer does it to us, (we use pressure on her bottom jaw and tongue) but she still does it to friends, family, etc

How do we stop this? (she is 50% better than she was and she is not hurting anyone but I do not ever want anyone to think that she is vicious in any way and would prefer to stop it happening) It normally happens when people pat her so obviously I could just not allow anyone near her but I'd prefer to fix it rather than just remove the trigger :rofl:

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Another thread just reminded me to post this

Molly is 14 months old, we got her at 8 months, and she was HORRIBLE with mouthing at peoples hands, and wrists, obviously no one ever stopped her as a pup

Now she no longer does it to us, (we use pressure on her bottom jaw and tongue) but she still does it to friends, family, etc

How do we stop this? (she is 50% better than she was and she is not hurting anyone but I do not ever want anyone to think that she is vicious in any way and would prefer to stop it happening) It normally happens when people pat her so obviously I could just not allow anyone near her but I'd prefer to fix it rather than just remove the trigger :rofl:

Water pistol combined with a firm "no".

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Problem being that it is when other people are patting her, not us, so by the time we would get to squirt her she has stopped anyway

I think I will just have to get every single person who she does it to, to ignore her or walk off on her when/if she does it, but its going to be really unpractical that way too

So frustrating cos people don't like to listen huh?!!! They will say, "oh I'll just give her a pat cos I feel mean ignoring her"

Edited by shoemonster
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I use different techniques based on each dog and my assessment of why they are doing it, but for an older dog who should know better, I often let them mouth me while I play the "let's see how much of my hand you actually want in your mouth" game. They stop very quickly :rofl:

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Shooey- If you come here and ignore my two when you come in the door, I'll ignore Molly when she mouths :p

No one who visits pays any attention when I say to not greet the dogs or acknowledge them until they sit.. so they don't jump on me when I get home but anyone else is fair game :rofl:

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Haven, yeah we use that too, and it works with us, and she rarely if ever does it, its other people that is hard

Loz, sure thing! It's so hard, because you feel rude when you ask people to do it, and they don't take it seriously

I'm sure that I have in the past done the same by not realising what the trainers/owners were trying to achieve (before I had dogs) but now if anyone asked me I would do it right away!

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easy chuck the dogs out with big meaty bones when those epople come over and tell them not to disturb the dogs while they are eating

i always chuck mine out when epopel come then let them in when everyone has settled down also with the wrestling tell the person that you are having issues with molly wanting to sretle other epople and kids so you are not allowing anyoe to play that with her give her a toy and show her how to play fetch or tell her you need help wit trianig ad get her to take mlly through some tricks

but me i'd just remove the dog

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hey :thumbsup: I just used a well timed growl...but that seems to be frowned upon in these circles!


I don't frown on using a well timed growl, Aus .... so long as it is appropriate, for the right reason and by the right people. And sometimes there is more to it and more required than simply a "growl". Depends on the dog and the circumstances.

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hey smile.gif I just used a well timed growl...but that seems to be frowned upon in these circles!


what has worked for you will not work for every dog in "similar" circumstances,

and i believe growling at this dog is dangerous advice,

at the moment the staffy is mouthing peoples hands as it gets there attention

eg. staffy places mouth over hand, the person moves the hand out of the staffys mouth and places there hand on the dogs head

the dog sees it as every time i put my mouth on the persons hand i receive a reward whether it be from the voice of the person saying yuck dont do that...or a pat on the head

what would be a safer option and less confronting to the dog would be once the dog places its mouth over the persons hand have the person either "yelp" and pull tghere hand away or say "no" and pull there hand away and ignore the dog untill it has calmed down

then once the dog has calmed down proceed to pat the dog...if the dog places its mouth over there hand again follow with either a "yelp" or a "no"...then ignore the dog untill it has calmed down again

edit for typos

Edited by Jeff Jones
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Aus, the growl may work if it were me she was doing it to, but my main problem is not her doing it to me (cause we have fixed that part) but to other people who I don't trust to be able to get it right, I have growled at my dogs under certain circumstances before so I don't frown upon you :thumbsup:

Jeff Jones, thankyou, I must be thick sometimes and I never thought of that as being why she does it, but you are right!

I was watching her with my mum today - my mum has an aversion to dogs but is very good with mine considering, however she won't allow their mouths near her, which in this case tunred out to be interesting to watch Molly's behaviour

She immediately went to mouth but mum of course didn't let her, so she instead sat and let mum pat her, it didn't make sense to me until I just read your post, so thankyou, Molly just needs more people like my mum around her lol, as opposed to dog people who will "let" her do it to them!

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