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Advice Needed On Kaos


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Could she be scared of the plaster on your leg?

Or maybe shes just picking up on all the anxiety you have been through (with your bro being sick etc?). Just a thought. :D

Maybe she doenst like change, with you being home etc.

Hope it gets sorted soon, these staffies are temperamental little creatures. :thumbsup:

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It might not be anything, she might just be going through a sooky spooked phase?

Can I ask why it matters if she is crated every night? (I know she broke out this time but normally, why not just have her crated?)

sorry, most of the time she is crated, but i want to get to the stage where she isnt, i feel safer having her out. Its the few trial nights when i have let her out that she has done this

Atlas is crated every night, but that is for me, not him! he steals my pillows and hogs the bed, so is a pain, but kaos will actually go back to her crate after 10 mins or so in bed with me. So i dont mind her having run of the house. IF we could get this problem under control!

Could she be scared of the plaster on your leg?

Or maybe shes just picking up on all the anxiety you have been through (with your bro being sick etc?). Just a thought. :D

Maybe she doenst like change, with you being home etc.

Hope it gets sorted soon, these staffies are temperamental little creatures. :thumbsup:

Actually TB, Molly gets extremely upset if I am stressed or if OH and I fight, it may just be the stress coming through

Could be that too, never thought of it!

I just got a call from the vets, he said it could be a large bowel problem, but he said the chances are very low of it being that.

He asked me about her food and etc. He said if she is getting fed in the morning, then it should all be out of the system by night time. but to try to start feeding her at night and see if that helps.

So i will do that. Starting tonight. I will get her back into her normal every day habbits and see how i go. I will also try not to get upset around her!

Isnt it funny, Atlas doesnt give a shit about me, yet kaos could be playing off my feelings and moods?

Thanks guys, i prob could have sorted it out, but its better to toss around ideas with people and see everything written down in front of you.

She is talking to me now :( i sat down and she came over for a cuddle. I hope it doenst get out to the world what sooks they are, would ruin their reps!

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If the food is taking til night to go through her, then the feeding at night might help and she won't feel the need to go until the next day

Ed and Molly say it's not so bad being known as sooks! Ed does get beaten up by a sheltie! He is also scared of a bush in the local park!!! :thumbsup:

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Everytime someone posts, i think of another thing that MIGHT be causing it, she hasnt been for a real walk in a while, a friend has been taking her time to time, but nothing like i normaly do with her.

BUT we have been playing fetch (man, thats the BEST game ever! I sit still and she does the work!) till the point she wont play anymore, and she tires her self out in the pool. But i would think that boredom would cause more of a destrutcive behaviour then she is doing?

I think this might be part of it and I'd offer to take her out for a good walk if I was in the same state :thumbsup: My dog goes a little odd if he doesn't get a walk out in the real world for a couple of days, even if he gets a good workout in the backgarden. I think it's more about mental exercise than physical.

Also, don't discount the fact that you've not been 100% physically- my boy turned into an total basket case (more so than usual) the week before and after I had my wisdom teeth out. He was nervous, overgrooming and a bit scattered even though I felt mostly ok. I'd imagine the change in schedule would be confusing for her too as dogs really like life to be predictable.

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I'd be looking at changes to exercise routines above any other cause. If Kaos is not getting the same bowel stimulation (gee we discuss some lovely topics :thumbsup: ) at the same time she used to, its going to change her toileting patterns.

My guess is she used to get some kind of exercise after you finished work?? Trying to get her to eliminate last thing before bedtime may help.

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K9: tell us about the pool? what pool, how often is the water changed, how many digs swim / get in it...

What state is the stool in? three options here, liquid, semi, hard.

How do dogs interact with you there, when you leave...

The changes to the dogs routine will effect softer dogs & dogs more reliant on you than others...

When toileting, for now, only focus on the good side, always reward the dog toileting in the good places...

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I am just glad that i will be back on my feet next week,hope things get back to normal. I need a tuff dog ithinks


First of all, this is the pool and this is her in it - as she is most of the time! She will also drag it around and attack the waves :rofl:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E7SEr7xVvA

She doenst have access to it when i am not here, i am worried that she might tip it over or hurt herself

Poops are solid, nothing strange about them (did state that above :p )

When i am home, if i am not playing fetch with kaos, they usually just lay around the house or yard, or play with each other. It isnt constant contact between me and them - we have a bit of training, but for free time they rather hang out with each other then me! (i dont blame them!)

When i leave, they are fine. i tell them to go out side and they do. I never make a big deal about it, just put them out and leave, then the same when i get home.

As for prasing her when she does go to the loo outside, that is a problem too, cause she wont go infront of me!! I guess i will have to listen a bit harder for the noises and praise her when i hear her going.

I love her to death, but god she is driving me mad!!!!!

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She NEVER has, from day one - if she has to pee and i am in the yard and she has no where to hide, she will stand behind me so i cant 'see'her.

she has also only gone ONCE on lead, and that was when i handed it over to someone else. And it was also after a full 6 hours at dog school for a fun day.

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I think that the dog taht wont go to the toilet near a person has "an issue" with the person or the souroundings.

It puts them in the voulnerable position and they they arent trusting enough to go.

Some will do it heaps more than others, my GFs girl wouldnt go in front of other people, more outside her own yard, so if we went to a show for several hours she just wouldnt go to the toilet. One time she did it.... in the car as soon as she got in....

poor baby.

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Myszka, there is no doubt in the minds of anyone that have seen Minnie and I together that that dog trusts me with her life and thinks I am her sun, moon and stars.

That is just the type of personality she has. She will not go if any dog or human is near her. I can be now, but I am the only one and that took me at least 2 months to achieve.

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K9: the dogs should go to the toilet when your there, if not there is a leadership problem..

The behaviour could develop because the dog has to "good" place to go to the toilet, as you cant re inforce the right place, & finally when your dog has to go, the dog knows it has done wrong.

When you run a NILIF or my 4 quadrant dog training program , or my TOT, then stop it, the dog see's you drop your leadership & loses trust in you...

This can cause a lot of anxiety for some dogs...

Anxiety can cause a lot of dog problems...

If your dogs spends a lot of time inside, you would probably get some value from a DAP Defuser, at $80 - $100 they can be a good investment..

If you email me I think I have a few that were sent to me to test, I may have one or two left, I will send it to you no charge, as I said I dont sell these as yet...

Edited by K9 Force
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Whats a dap difuser?

DAP = Dog Appeasing Pheromones.

It is a diffuser that works similarly to the diffusers we plug in to make our homes smell nice. But the stuff in the DAP diffusers is made from Pheromones derived from a lactating bitch - designed to calm/sooth a dog.

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