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Advice Needed On Kaos


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Limited activity and change of routine could cause toilet problems. Have you purchased another crate or fixed the door on your current crate?

Hint: There is nothing like getting a dog to poo, like having a wet bottom. Try sitting her in her pool and see how you go (or rather Kaos goes, LOL).

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TM - (TB) - Sounds like there is a good chance that Kaos will return to "normal" when the surroundings (including you) return to normal.

There has been a lot of change/disruption to the routine etc. and a lot of stress that dogs do pick up on. That sort of thing happens - and you cannot stop being stressed - just having limited mobility alone is a stressor for any human - it's normal.

I do hope, that after a while, it gradually sorts itself out.

Your strategey sounds logical to me, for what it's worth!. :rofl:

We took Kaisie to the vet this morning - and there was a big, fluffy toy dog in a display they had in the middle of the reception area. It took a good 5 minutes for her to suss, sniff, jump back a few times and generally get the idea that this thing was not a threat! She's 4 years old! We finally got her on the scales no problem, then came back past the display and she freaked at a blow-up crab that was hanging there - hadn't seen it earlier because she was so worried about the doggy. :p


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K9: there is no way to know, other than observation to see how long the effects last...

There is some evidence to support the theory that leaving the home calmer makes for a less anxious walk.

As a side note, before I stock anything I test it rigourosly, I have to believe strongly it is a good product or I will leave it to the pet shops...

I havent sold any of these, but am communicating with approx 30 people trying them.

The results are varied at this point but are looking more positive overall..

Edited by K9 Force
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Glad to see she isnt the only one - Atlas will piddle on anything he likes, where ever we are.

but Kaos :rofl: She must take after me, i cant pee if someone is watching!

I'll go to bed tonight better for knowing that fact TB :p

Tortue Cin = stand around all staring at her for hours so she can't pee :rofl:

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Ok, so i put them to bed like i would normally do at 9pm. I stayed up later, but that is my normal bed time when i am working.

I set my alarmto take them out at 6.. :p but slept through it!! but they went out at 7.

And no poops, will see what happens tonight

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I have used a DAP diffuser very successfully with a dog who was an absolute wreck during thunder storms. (anxious, shaking violently, salivating etc)

The DAP was recommended by my vet. When I put the DAP on, he now actually sleeps through storms. :rofl:

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K9: thanks I have a few dogs I am monitoring, & many of them have shown great results with the DAP, some have not, I am trying to study where the effectiveness lays before recommending/selling them...

K9 - I haven't done any formal 'studies' on them, but I've heard back from a reasonable number of people who have used them. Seems to me to be a bit "hit and miss" as far as results are concerned. And out of those "hits", the degree to which the DAP assisted varies greatly as well. Some of the results where the effect is less than obvious depends also on the owners being able to know and read their dogs well enough to detect the differences/changes in the dog's behaviour. Studies also get a bit tangled up with other behaviour modification methods that are put into place, so one might wonder if the result is that of the DAP or the efforts/changes to lifestyle etc. made by the owner to assist the dog. Of course, the only way to study the true effects of the DAP (IMO) is to plug it in and not make changes to anything else .... and then carefully observe. OR make behaviour modification attempts, introduce the DAP, remove the DAP and observe throughout. But then there could be coincidences that occur along the way that might lead one to believing DAP does or doesn't have an effect.

My attitude to them is that there is no harm in employing one regardless. And when it comes down to behaviours that have high injurious potential, then I'd trying everything that is within reason for the dog's benefit. And the DAP is comparitively cheap enough to "give it a shot".

I know this doesn't add anything to your studies - just my thoughts.

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K9: Thanks Guys for you feedback on the DAP..

I too am trying to separate the results between the DAP & the other programs I have supplied, I havent given out the DAP only.

The other variable was how much exposure to the DAP the dog has, how much time the dog spends inside the home vs outside.

There are oudoor products but I havent tested them at all..

I dont like to add anything to my lines I cant say for sure I have tested & it works well..

I will call in for some result updates & see how I go...

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