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Clicker Training & Tricks


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MrsD, MrsD guess what I have found in my bookcase :p Panda's clicker training notes, all you need is a folder and a two hole punch and they are yours, or you may need a plastic folder thinggy if they are going to be well used :rofl:

:rofl: will have a look on Sunday :rofl:

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We went to obedience training tonight & he worked incredibly well especially considering I haven't done any obedience work with him since last week :thumbsup::cry:. I did some tricks with him afterwards & he was so excited to be there & do the work. I have taught him the high 5 (paw same side) & to shake (opposite paw), just perfecting it now. I've also started the targetting which he does fairly well as long as I dont expect a great distance yet. He even did some bows & shaking hands while we were at lurecoursing the other day, which I thought was a major achievement considering how much distraction there is there.

What commands & signals do people give for some of the tricks that you teach? I started teaching the rollover today - he picks things up soooo bl**dy fast, when we were at obedience & I asked him for the first drop he went straight over onto his side & went to roll over until I stopped him :) - but I dont really know what command to use? Im using a twirling finger in front of his face as a signal, but should I use roll over as the command or is that too long?

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Im using a twirling finger in front of his face as a signal, but should I use roll over as the command or is that too long?

No it isn't too long but I would also watch your body language at a guess you are bending over to give both cues or you move your hand down before you twirl your finger I'm assuming he is seeing a similarity in your body language at the start of the cue, it is a good idea to video yourself to see what the dog is watching it is much easier to watch a video than work it out while you are working the dog.

Another thing about the roll over cue If you plan on trialling him??? you will probably use the word "over" during some part of your training, open and UD, so maybe just "roll" if this is the case.




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Im using a twirling finger in front of his face as a signal, but should I use roll over as the command or is that too long?

No it isn't too long but I would also watch your body language at a guess you are bending over to give both cues or you move your hand down before you twirl your finger I'm assuming he is seeing a similarity in your body language at the start of the cue, it is a good idea to video yourself to see what the dog is watching it is much easier to watch a video than work it out while you are working the dog.

Another thing about the roll over cue If you plan on trialling him??? you will probably use the word "over" during some part of your training, open and UD, so maybe just "roll" if this is the case.




THANK YOU M-J!! That's exactly the sort of advice I need - hadn't even thought of over already being used, I'll just use roll as you suggested (yes, am most definitely going to trial him :) ).

With regard to the body language, when I was teaching him this afternoon I was telling him to drop, then "lie down" to get him on his side & then roll over, I think it was just possibly anticipating the further commands more than anything else cos I dont even have him onlead when we are doing tricks. Must phase the drop out asap & just start using the "lie down" command (which I may shorten to just lie or lay as judges usually use "down" when giving commands in obedience trials, thanks, now you've got me thinking about stuff like that :thumbsup: ).

The video is a great idea anyway, wish our video camera was working though :cry: .

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thanks, now you've got me thinking about stuff like that ).

Yes I like to have some sort of long term plan in place when I start so that I don't have so many mistakes to fix as I go :thumbsup:



Good thinking :cry::o:) .

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I am a big fan of clicker training. I personally think as long as the dog thinks it is being rewarded - anything will do. I am lucky I have a Lab who is food obsessed, but one of my friends has a beagle who is totally disinterested in either food or toys. However, her dog is obsessed with yummy SMELLS. She puts a collection of smelly things in her bum bag and every time her dog needs a reward for responding to the clicker, she dives in and pulls out a new smelly treat. It is hysterical. The dog thinks it is the BEST treat in the world! She is very inventive and puts things in her bum bag like kabana, freshly cut grass, a perfumed hanky, anything new she can think of. I am sort of jealous! Labs put on weight so quick and food treats tend to be high in calories.

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Are the notes of any help to you?. :(

Yes :rofl: Hesa although I have been too sick to really get very far through reading them or do much work with him. Today was the first day that I have felt even remotely human :cry: . BTW the video was great too :rofl::rofl: and that liver :rofl: he really does like it! :rofl:

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Too much champagne and chocolate to celebrate a recent birthday :rofl::rofl:

Noooooooo :confused: don't drink alcohol & never had chocolate make me sick yet :) , Ive had some flu bug that's made me feel like crud all week, I was hoping none of the lurecoursing gang got it cos I came down with it on the way home from there :rofl: .

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