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You Know That "doggie Smell'?


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It's raining pretty steadily here. Gomez and Maverick were bathed last Sat and while they smell okay, there is a hint of the beginnings of doggie smell. I don;t want to bathe them today, being so wet and cold. So I did buy (earlier) a Pet parfum by I love my pet. It contains carrot seed oil and essential oils - patchouli and bergamont

Are there any other hints or tips out there to 'refresh' doggies in between grooming baths?

Sorry if this has been asked 1000 times!

Thanks in advance

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I love the way my dogs smell, except after they are bathed. I find the 'doggy smell' is only there for about a week after a wash and then they smell fine to me :D

You can get dry shampoo tho that you comb through the coat between washes, I just prefer au naturel :thumbsup:

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I used to use Fido's Bath Wipes between washes but they do get rather expensive (I now just keep a packet in my travel bag for "just in case").

What I now do is give the dogs a good brush and then wipe them over with a damp chamois before spraying them with Fido's Fresh Coast Spray (it is a cologne coat conditioner & deodorant spray).

They smell so pretty .... until they roll in the back yard and come back filthy again :thumbsup:

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I have no idea what it was called, as I was given a sample of it, but it smelled like coconut, and this showy gets it from stalls at dog shows. Worked a treat with murphy ( he is getting smellier as he ages I am sure ) I know it was pretty dear, but a little went a long way.

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I'm pretty odour-sensitive and I find that the parfums bother me a lot more than the doggy smell does (samoyeds don't really have a doggy smell though.)

Around the time we had purchased a citronella bark collar (which did nothing for the problem btw) my husband also purchased a doggy deodorant and sprayed our innocent cat with it...

For a few days I was calling them "Citronella Dog" and "Old Spice Cat" and making superhero references.

Anyway, I've found that a good brushing does the trick for my dogs (a change to a raw diet has helped too).


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