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Does A Kong Work For Your Dog?


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If anyone has ANY ideas for something that will last longer than 20 mins (other than dino bones) PLEASE let me know.... :) Must be low-fat/low-calorie!

I get a bucket and half fill it with water and then freeze it solid. I put some nice treat in (so it sits in the middle) and then fill the rest of the bucket up with water and return it to the freezer.

My GSD will spend the whole day licking and chewing on that ice to get the treat - keeps him occupied for ages. :rofl:

Our rottie on the other hand will just wait for it to melt and then grab the treat (if the GSD hasn't got it first).... :)

Edited by Tilly
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nippy noodles!,

what in the world is a kong??

here is the info:http://www.kongcompany.com/

I can't understand why Fei likes it so much. It's a bleeping bleep to get the treats out of it.

I usually fill the small hole with sugar free peanut butter. stuff some kibbles/cheesey treats at the bottom, some bikkies in the middle and smear vegemite (not too much) on the insides. Sometimes I microwave them and the cheese melts so it hold together better and is more of a challenge.

I don't freeze them cos we have marble floors here and it goes all over.


It doesn't keep them occupied for very long though, especially since they know it's so mummy and daddy are going to do something without them
YEP! It's the same for Fei. She knows we're going somewhere and isn't too enthused about the Kong thesedays.
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Ahhh, so you use the peanut butter to cover the holes so it takes longer to get the treats out?? Will have to give that a go. Our girls are expert at getting treats out. Have been trying chicken necks this week and Eddie whips hers out as soon as she gets it! Monster! Might have to try chopping them up a bit so they shove further in.

Might also try freezing some gravy inside them. Although that could get messy as they are inside all day these days .. .

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On hot days I make yogurt pops for them. I smash up some mango and mix it with plain yogurt, then freeze!

They love them and freezing them makes it last a lot longer.

I've also made them kong omelettes, with scrambled eggs and veggies - just pop them in the microwave. (I dab peanut butter onto the bottom so nothing runs out.)

There are recipes on the Kong website too!

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Flycow - watch lamb flaps - they can be fatty. Lamb legs are good - them, beef ribs and dino bones are about the only bones Darce gets (another Jenny Craig candidate!)

Hey feralpup, mind I ask, what really is a Dino bone, and recreational bone and any others? I know there are those I buy in pet shops which are smoked dry and then there are the fresh bones from butcher.

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On hot days I make yogurt pops for them. I smash up some mango and mix it with plain yogurt, then freeze!

They love them and freezing them makes it last a lot longer.

I've also made them kong omelettes, with scrambled eggs and veggies - just pop them in the microwave. (I dab peanut butter onto the bottom so nothing runs out.)

There are recipes on the Kong website too!

wow you guys' dogs live a better life than I do! :thumbsup:

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Hi Flycow!

What I call dino bones are the ones I get from the supermarket which are cow legs - but I'm careful which ones I get. The short ones they've been selling lately are very fatty - had to trim a heap of fat off it before I gave it to her. The longer ones have less fat on them. Keeps her busy for a few hours.... unlike everything else I give her :thumbsup:

I refuse to feed smoked bones, cooked bones are a no-no for dogs and I believe smoked bones are no better. Plus I think they are far more expensive than your average fresh bone? :D

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I can't help wondering why ppl don't just use nice big meaty bones which would keep most dogs happy for hours, improve their teeth as well as nutrition (provided of course that they can't get at the marrow too quickly as when some butchers cut them lengthwise if you don't specify) and they're not that expensive. Some supermarkets actually sell dog bones cryopacked - large lamb leg bones with an amount of meat on the ends. :)

Hours? Hah! My boy is finished with a bone within 20 mins, sometimes less. He's also not much of a chewer so once the ends are off a bone he loses interest.

I've got one of the double ended dental kongs and for the ultimate treat I plug one end with peanut butter, sprinkle in some liver treats, pack in a chicken neck and then add more peanut butter to plug the other end. To top it all off, I mix up some beef stock and (carefully!) pour it in to fill any gaps. It then goes in the freezer.

Last time I made one he didn't touch it :thumbsup: But usually it's a hit.

I've also got a puppy kong for the cats- they get raw mince mixed with fresh cat nip and a bit of dry food :D

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