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Bye Baby Boy

Roxy Lady

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RIP Carnage

Last week one of the guys who bought one of my male pups came into the shop, as soon as i seen him i thought he had brought him in for a visit, and i asked "Wheres me boy?" and he just replied that he died last night. I just burst into tears and the guys apologised 100 times he didn't know what happened he had left Carnage with house mates while he went to the pub and when he came back his housemates were freaking out and said "that they let him out for a wee he came back in and went to sleep on the lounge but wouldn't wake up. So we're not exactly sure what happened but think it may have been a snake bite. I was sooo upset i cried for about 3 hours at work (lucky it was a quiet morning) and then on my drive home i started again and then again when i pulled into my driveway when i realised i would have to look at Ned and Marley.

Bye you sweet adorable fat boy :D :)

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