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Need Help, No Appetite Still !

Red Mal

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In the past there have been 3 times when I have had to force feed (ie: small handfuls of food down the throat and then massage till they swallow) with my previous GSP..the first was when bitches in the area came into season - he'd refuse to eat because his prostate became so swollen he was in pain - but until we worked out what the problem was, I had to force feed him, the second was when he was bitten by a white tail spider and didn't eat of his own accord for 6 weeks :rofl: , and the 3rd was in his last month.

A side effect of force feeding (as well as keeping condition on them and keeping them healthy) is to stretch the stomach...if an animal or person regularly only eats small meals, the stomach feels 'satisfied' after a small amount and they don't 'desire' any more food, and they stop getting hunger pangs.....if you eat larger meals, you actually trigger the hunger signals again......Cadence started eating of his own accord each time, and I have found (being normally a small eater who can forget to eat meals because I don't often experience hunger pangs) that if I have a really big dinner, I'm actually hungry and want breakfast in the morning.

Try putting small handfuls of soft food down his throat...I could get 1kg down a GSP's throat every day using this method....but don't forget to use a towel as a bib - it's like trying to feed a toddler.... :rofl: but it works.....

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