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New Job And The Dog Is Not Happy...


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Hi everyone,

I have myself a job. 9-5, I'm gone for 9hours.

Joey, the pound boy, I'v had him since april/may.

He is chewing everything in site. A sponge that was left out, the futon beds I have outside for both dogs, the poop bucket :rolleyes: (yes the bucket I use to pick up the poop with), and something mysterious.... foam from something that I just can't name, I have no idea where it came from. And three huge holes :wave:

All this in 5 days :thumbsup:

Its not Shelby, she doesn't have this type of issue and handles been left all day very well.

Is Joey suffering from Seperation Anxiety?

I have 2 days to work with him before its back to work on Monday :laugh: Poor guy !!

Edited by gemibabe
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Bones are a no go with my female being a complete and utter biatch and hog of all food things.

Wont build a run, he can't get out, hole digging is nowhere near fencing and all my fencing is bounded by back yards.. so if he gets out from the yard (highly unlikely) he will find himself in someone elses back yard and will have to escape from there :rolleyes: He can't jump either.

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Even though he can't get out, he still has to be kept away from things he could eat that could make him sick. A dog run would ensure that he cannot get near anything.

It is expensive, I understand your trepidation.

I just live with the destruction and my backyard looks like the moon.

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K9: There isnt enough information to diagnose if the dog is suffering from Separation Anxiety.

What breed, how is the dog sattitude when your leaving, is the dog vocal, does it still eat its meals?

SA isnt a simple condition, not all breeds are prone to it either, but there are some grea tips to sort this out.

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He is a Staffy x pitty perhaps?. He is the larger of the two in the photo.


They get put outside about 20mins before we leave. I usually give them a pig foot to eat, which they demolish within seconds..They both peer thru the blinds with the big sad eyes. He is always sitting behind Shelby, with her being first in/out the door.

They then run around to the shut roller door and sniff and listen - I guess - to us getting in the car... The car has been idling for 10mins prior to this.

Both are not sooks or vocal when we are leaving.

They do the usual staffy chatter/cry when we arrive home... and I don't let them inside for atleast 10mins after we've gotten home.

When we are home he follows me everywhere. To the toilet, to the kitchen, to get undressed :rofl: He would even sit in the bathroom while I showered if I let him.

You cannot raise your voice at anything or he slinks off to hide. Raising your voice to call out to my son, laughing at the TV/PC, being cross with my son, ... Joey is a very good dog in the sense that he just sits at my feet all night - more like under my feet, where Shelby is sniffing around for crumbs, doing zoomies, wanting out to chase cats etc.

You only have to make eye contact with him and he will come to you. He could be lying in the sun outside and I'll look over, he'll spot me do this and come over to me. (not sure if thats important or not)

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Give pooch some time to adapt. A foster I have at the moment took 4 weeks to stop being a destructive little bugger....he has the occassional replase from time to time.

Just remember to do what you can to keep pooch stress free whilst you're away from home.

1) provide a kennel or room where pooch can feel safe and secure & of course to sleep

2) Chew toys/bones

3) A couple of toys....don't overload the garden with toys - they become less desireable

4) Paddling pool / sand pit & teach them how to use it

5) Scatter small treats around the yard

6) Put a small portable radio outside (shower radio) out of reach of the dog of course.

7) Don't make a bog deal out of leaving.....put dog outside with a biscuit or something positive and leave.

8) Don't make a big deal about coming home, even leave it a few minutes before opening the door.

9) Use rescue remedy short-term to see if that helps - if things don't get better see your behaviourist/vet to discuss possibilities.

10) Fish oil has been related to lowering stress/aniexty

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Trust me it breaks my heart, the hours that I am gone they are not even walked during the week but I need to work to pay the bills and I am hoping to move soon but even then they will still be home for long hours but at least I can then walk them morning and night.

I always thought that my new one was the problem child but with watching them I know that they are both in it together. Not sure as to the ring leader.

I have called my youngest ones breeder a few times upset that i am a bad mummy cause i leave them for so long during the day and they were getting out as well and they laughed at me for stressing so much!!!! I have also only just found out that he was the naughtiest puppy they ever had. (he is a show flop, so rehomed at 9 mths).

All you can do is try and walk them as often as possible and leave things for them to do. My girl has issues with food too but with really big bones they are fine, stuffed kongs are also good but i have also now gotten over all the things that they are destroying and just clean it all up once a week.

I also wear them out as much as possible on the weekend too.

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It doesnt sound bad enough to be SA but maybe he's just thinking 'well mums not here how am I going to amuse myself' and off he goes.

Build them a sandpit and get some bungee cord, tie a big rope toy to it and hang it up so it just reaches the ground. Rub some kabana on it and let them play around with this whizzing toy. With bones, grab really big bones and two lengths of chain - chain each bone to a separate area of the yard and each dog has a bone thats far away but cant be brought together and hoarded. Move all chewable items and bring out some new toys, one for each day and rub some kabana on that too.

He'll get over it, just give him a bit of time.

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If there is stuff you are worried about get some chilli or tobasco and rub it on the plastic setting. Re apply every day so if he DOES decide to have a nibble he will be in for a suprise. Plus if there is other stuff around he wont be tempted to keep at the furniture.

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I've just arrived back from Maylasia today and my partner has been home with the pooches.....I came home today to find that my little darling has pulled out the irriagation hose....I rent....I didn't even know there was an irrigation hose!

Things do calm down over time with the adjustment period....little stresses set my foster off....he has good days and bad days....however I'm sure he had fun pulling out the hose!

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