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Puppy With Parvo


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Hi Everyone,

I just got an 8 week old puppy, I called him Madden which means little dog. Yesterday he was diagnosed with parvo. I've been told it's going to cost me a couple of thousand dollars to treat him. He's going to be getting treatment until my bank account are empty and credit cards are maxed out, but I'm affraid that I may not have enough funding for his treatment. I believe that he was one of the unforunate puppies to contract this virus from his C5 shots. If there is anything anyone can do to help me get this little guy through I would be eternallly greatful. He is currently in Sydney's North Shore Vet Hospital. He was admitted last night. He's on a drip and today he is recieveing a plasma treatment. I'm hoping that he pulls through quickly, but I have to be prepared for the worst. If anyone can help, please email me at [email protected] . Even if you can't help please spare a prayer for my little Madden and hopefully rainbow bridge will hear everyone and won't take him because there are so many people still on earth that care for him.

I have tried looking at pet insurance sites, but can't find one that give out loans for treatment. If you know of one that does please let me know.

Thank you to everyone whos reads this

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I am so sorry about your puppy :) They don't all make it even with treatment. If the puppy is 8 weeks presumably the breeders vet gave the last shot, have you contacted them to see if any littermates are sick.

I wish I could help you with the money :p I know your heart is breaking, hang in there, thinking of you. :)

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My prayer is with your puppy.

Have you contact your breeder to ask him/her to seek advise as to treatment? How long has your puppy in your house for? and what could be the cause of Parvo? Has it be contacted with any other dog? Does the breeder has any health ganrantee of the puppy? Do you think your breeder will be willing to pay some of the treatment cost, since the puppy is recently bought?

Sorry can't help you much. But if you search on Parvo on this website, you may find something that could be useful

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I feel for you :D

I've recently had to do the same, a 5 month old,

I can't understand the price though :)

I paid just under $900 for a 10 day stay, I guess it really depends on where you go unfortunately :D

I really hope your pup pulls through

sending thoughts and prayers your way :p :D :)

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I've been told that the Vet Hospital Madden is in has some of the best Vets in the country, so he's in the best hands. I've had him since last Sunday night. The breeder told me that he would try and get me a replacement puppy if the worst happens, but you can't just replace a pet no matter how long you've had them. I haven't yet asked the breeder about paying for some of the treatment costs as the other puppies are all in good health, so I don't see how I can lay blame on him. Madden does have a bigger brother Trinket, I rang my Vet today and was told that Trinket should be fine as he is up to date with all of his shots, but I will be keeping an extra close eye on him and taking him down to the Vet if he shows any signs of parvo. I also bleached any surface in the house that I could and cleaned everything else the best I can in the hope of minimising the chance of infection in other dogs. The North Shore Vet Hospital charges just under $150.00 per night. Because Madden is such a small dog (600gms) he needs constant care as dogs of this size can rapidly decline. I think the cost of treatment changes from dog to dog. The tests to find out what was wrong with him cost $300.00 and the plazma treatment is $300.00. So if he pulls out quickly I should be paying around the same as BullyLuva, but my fear is he might need to stay longer. The hospital basically has told me that the worst case senario may end up costing me in the several thousand dollar range, and he may have to stay in the hospital for an extended period and I want to be prepared for that. If anyone does deside that they wish to help out finacially, I will give back any money that I don't need. I just don't want to be in the situation where I have to say I can't afford to save him as there's so much more he needs to sniff, lick and bark at. I did try attaching a picture but it didn't work if anyone wants to see a photo I can email you one.

Thank you to everyone who has read and/or replied to my post. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. Thank you to everyone who wants to help even if you are unable to. I am calling the hospital back around lunch time, I'll leave an update once I know how he's doing.

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My god the internet has a scary amount of misinformation :)

I wasn't 100% about the incubation period for parvo so I did a google and came up with everything from 36 hours to 3-4 weeks!

Tarazades, I suggest you get a statement from your Vet regarding the incubation period of the virus to take to the breeder. If you have only had the pup 1 week I think it likely that the pup contracted the virus before he/she got to you.

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I saw your post and just wanted to let you know how sorry I am this awful thing has happened to your puppy.

I know someone who had their dog at North Shore Vets with parvo virus and he survived. I don't know how they managed it, as he was literally knocking on deaths door & they weren't sure he would pull through - but he lived and is going great. I don't want to scare you, but I know they paid more than $5000 for about 2 weeks in intensive care.

Parvo incubates for about 3-7 days before showing signs, and unfortunately is an extremely hardy virus. It can live for up to 9 months in the environment.

I think your dog is in the best hands possible being at North Shore Vet. People think they are really expensive but when you think that they have specialists in almost every field at their beck & call, 24 hours vet and nursing staff, a really nice hospital and very experienced staff, it's something that not many other vet hospitals can offer. Like anything, you have to pay for the best.

I really wish you the best of luck. I am not sure about insurance companies offering finance, but I think GE Finance offer something along those lines.

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My dog and her littermates had parvo -- three lived, three died. It's a sad 50/50 chance, but nowadays with the amount of knowledge we have, it's getting easier and easier to treat. When he comes home he could relapse (as two of my dog's siblings did), so make sure that the puppy is kept very hydrated, and the food should be easily digested and palatable. I recommend a blended mixture of boiled chicken and boiled white rice with canned 100% pumpkin (not the pie filling, no sugar added) and parsley for atleast a couple of weeks. If you find any products that boost the immune system I highly recommend those --- my dog was given Immunex, a herbal mixture, and I still give it to her.

Good luck, and lots of prayers coming from over here in Canada.

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Just an update on Madden, he is now responding to noises around him. He's still on the drip and getting plasma. The staff at the North Shore Vet Hospital are great, they are doing every thing they can to help him and keeping me informed of his progress. I've got everything crossed, most of all my heart.

Thank You to EVERYONE for caring for my little Madden

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Oh, I am so glad to hear that. Wow....

Btw, what symptoms did you see in your pup that makes you to take the pup to see the vet?

Can you please let me know the name of the Vet Hospital and the address, and perhaps the vet names too. I am not sure if you can put them up publicly in here, but please pm me if you can't put it here. I really want to know the contacts, just in case I need in the future.

Mind if I ask you how much rougly does it cost you for this parvo treatment?

Please keep us update

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Madden is now at home and is doing really well. I took Madden to the vet due to the fact that he was vomiting, and wouldn't move when I put him down, he just fell asleep. The name of the hospital is North Shore Vet Hospital and I can not thank them enough, If it wasn't for them I would have lost my little boy. All up the treatment cost about $1700 which I was able to cover myself. I think that because parvo can be such an agressive virus there was a potential for Madden needing a lot more time in hospital, and the vets there were very up front about this, which although scared me at first because I thought I may not be able to afford it, I'm greatful for the fact they let me know what Madden may potentially need so I could prepare for it. The hospital is open 24 hours and has many vets and specialists who treat the animals. Because of this they were able to watch Madden 24 hours a day to make sure he didn't rapidly decine in health. So the price above includes 24 hour intensive care and all of the medication used which considering the kind of care they offer and that not many other vets can offer this level of care is very cheap. I highly reccomend them.

Once again thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers

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What fantastic news about little Madden, he looks gorgeous in the photos and I'm sure he'll grow up to be one gorgeous 'hound' and that you and he will have a special bond for life. All the best to you both and of course a BIG hug for Madden and Trinket

Edited by dandydog
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