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Puppy Diahorrea


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Hana, my border collie cross chihuahua puppy came home and got real sick. Read my posts on my experience...same title. $300 later and a 3 days stay at the vet concluded nothing..just a really bad tummy virus.

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Too hard to answer with such a small amount of info . Could be any number of things ,Most easy to address by no solid food for 24 hours and probiotics and some staminade or similar added to the water but it may also be serious especially if she hasnt been vaccinated .Could also be worms. Ring the vet.

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Hana, my border collie cross chihuahua puppy came home and got real sick. Read my posts on my experience...same title. $300 later and a 3 days stay at the vet concluded nothing..just a really bad tummy virus.

Bella, our beagle is exactly the same as Hanna. I woke today and they are not so runny they are formed and solid. Thanks!

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  • 2 weeks later...

for rehydration purposes....can I suggest divetlac...it's a protien milk source that can porvide the vitamins & nutrients a puppy can tolerate whilst their settling down to a new feed regime.

Any changes of feed can induce irregularities in the digestinal tract in both young pups & older dogs....the trick is to blend the old with the new & introduce it gradually.

The main thing that you have to worry about is with a pup of such a young age (or any age for that matter) is that they don't become dehydrated. This is easily tested by pinching the scruff of their neck and seeing how long it takes for the skin to return to it's natural state. If it takes longer than 5 secs...your pup needs re-hydration..either by water, or something like di-vetlac. Diveltlac is forumlated so that it is tolerable to young animals that don't have the enzymes to process lactose...I can't reccomend it highly enough!

whenever you change the makeup of feed, you have to introduce it gradually...no matter the age of the dog...a sudden change can lead to "scours" which can then lead to complications via dehydration....just like in humans :D

if your pup has no desire to drink...you might consider tube "feeding"....consult your vet on how to do that :)

let us know how he goes....& if we can be of any further assistance....just ask :D


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The treatment for your basic case of diahorrea in puppies or adults is fasting for 24 hours.

During this period you have to ensure the pup or the dog drinks frequently so that dehydration doesn't occur.

I give Lectade which is to replace electrolytes and it also makes the water more desireable to the pup/dog.

After 24 hours start to introduce boiled chicken & rice - ie a bland diet for several days to a week. Then gradually move them on to their normal food.

Having said all this, in puppies it is a good idea to take them to the vet as it may be something more sinister.

I have found that dry food can cause diahorrea in some pups - I will put in a plug for an all natural diet here as, in my experience, it doesn't upset the gut as much as dry, processed food does.

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