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Wierd Gulping


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My 12 week old OES started doing a wierd kind of gulping thing tonight.

He is in no way distressed, but he is acting like he has something stuck in his throat, and is trying to get it down. He is not (and has not) coughed or anything. My BF lifted him up to put him on the chair and he did the BIGGEST belch ever. Could he maybe have wind or something and it's stuck in his belly?

I gave him sentinel spectrum yesterday so I thought maybe his belly is a bit tender.

When we noticed the wierd gulp thing we gave him a wheet bix with some puppy milk (thinking it may dislodge something stuck in his throat) and he ate it fine.

Any suggestions as to what it could be??

I think I am more distressed than he is!

Thanks all

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Get rid of the weetbix - dogs dont eat breakfast cereal. Its probably giving him an upset stomach and a gas. He could have been full of wind and needed to burp/vomit.

He should be on a good brand of puppy dry food for large breeds, some nice raw chicken necks (supervised) some human quality chicken/ lamb/roo/rabbit mince occasionally and if he is a little thin then supplement with puppy milk. But weetbix, bread, pasta etc is not good for larger breeds that can develop bloat later in life.

ETA : I just read what you feed your dog - please cut out the tinned and the amount of carbohydrates. Its too much. Stay on the kibble but make sure its made for a large/giant breed. Eagle pack is excellent I have used it . As for making your own food dont bother cooking the meat, dogs were made to eat raw meat and its better for them. Cook up the veges, boil them really well and then mash/blend them and add the raw mince to that. Remember to give bones like fat trimmed lamb flaps and other non weight bearing bones in a couple of months for jaw exercise and calcium.

Remember when changing the diet add new things SLOWLY or get ready for upset tummy time!

Edited by Nekhbet
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Thanks Nekhbet,

I was just carrying on with the wheetbix from when the breeder had him, I will get him off it. Shall I replace with more biscuits?

I have never had an Old English Puppy before (just an adult dog) so I'm learning as I'm going, so thanks for your advice.

I used to cook up the chicken mince for our old guy, mixed with rice and vegetables.

What can I mix up raw chicken mince with, is rice OK?

Shall I add some supplements?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

By the way, he's stopped gulping now, and seems to be back to normal!!!!

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I get a bag of frozen mixed veges (make sure there is no onion, the Aldi one in the green bag is good) and boil it till they're really soft, then add a little rice to cook into the stock (sometimes I plonk in a chicken carcass to boil in the veges for extra flavour, calcium and minerals but throw it out when cooked). Let this cool down and then add a 60/40 mix meat to vege mix. Feed small meals. I also use Vets All Natural Canine Nutritional Powder for both of my dogs since they were pups and add that to any raw food I make.

You should be feeding 3 meals a day at the moment. You can soak some puppy biscuits (there is advance rehydratable) if he likes softer stuff as one meal, some mixed vege/rice/meat as another meal. Like I said introduce new foods slowly and buy human quality mince, make sure it doesnt have herbs/spices added and its not majority fat.

If he starts gulping careful he hasnt swallowed something either ... puppies get into anything and everything - my mastiff still thinks that dishrags and socks are wonderful things to shred, as well as sucking on toilet rolls!

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