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Mrs. B & I Lost Our Dog


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Thanx dogsdot.

Thanx Sky.

Sky -

I once watched Andy chase a rabbit. The rabbit ran across the street and Andy stopped at the curb.

Having a home-office, Andy was with me day & night.

He slept every night between us, his head on Mrs. B's pillow, face to face with her.

The loss of our sharing both mutual love & companionship was too soon coming. He was only 3 1/2 yrs old.

Our children are grown. We only see them and our grandkids a few weekends a month.

Andy gave us the daily dose we needed.

Knowing he's either at eternal rest or watching over us gives us no relief.

You suggest getting "one with as different colouring to Andy as you can...".

His coloring was so unusual, that presents no problem. I've never seen such coloring before.

Here's my last chance to show you... Andy before a hair-cut:



Andy's personality was as special as his coloring!

Thanx again, Dol'ers for all your support.


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I'm so sorry to hear about your dog. My wishes are with you both. I know its hard but it will get a bit better and less painful as time goes on. we lost a family cat last week, he had cancer. Its not the same as a dog but my heart goes out to you. All the best with the new pup when you get it.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I picked up Andy's ashes this afternoon.

The U of P Veterinary Hospital gave them to me in a beautiful wooden box with a brass lock & key and engraved nameplate.

The crying started as soon as I got into my car. :rolleyes:

Kibble -

I know exactly what you mean. For the 36 years of our marriage, we had four cats.

We enjoyed their love and loved them very much. We cried with each passing.

But losing Andy hit us so much harder!

I'm finding it hard to stay away fron DOL.

I even made a few posts. dunno2.gif

Tomorrow, I start making the calls to cocker spaniel breeders.


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