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Puppy Questions


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Hi :cry: My husband and I recently got a new puppy, we are so excited. She's a 8 week old poodle cross we decided to name "Spork", and she's SUCH a doll. She is doing really good in the areas that made me a little sceptical about getting a puppy (house training being the biggest!). She goes potty outside as soon as we go out, no messing around! She sleeps through the night in her crate, or at least until the sun comes up, but that's better than I expected.

My husband and I have tried the rescue route and had two utter flops that have been crushing for me, but I guess the third try is a charm :) But there's a few things I'm worried about with her. Granted it's been ages since I've had a puppy so this could be totally normal... but I've forgotten in the 10 years since my last girl was a pup. The biggest thing that's worrying me is that the first few mornings we had her she would actually make to throw up, but nothing would come up, mostly because it was early and she hadn't eaten yet, I assume. She still eats and poops fine (nice and solid, nothing runny or gross), and plays, and does all the puppy stuff.

We went to the vet a couple days after getting home, think it was Friday (wanted to give her a bit of time to adjust before taking her to get prodded). The vet said everything looked great except a few spots where the poor girl's really been bothered by fleas, so he gave us some flea meds, and the bugs seem to have cleared up so just waiting on the spots to heal. I asked about the trying to puke thing and he said it was just from change in diet. She had been eating watered down puppy formula some dry food and chicken... stuff. Being from the states where we feed dry food and dry food only (considered the best thing by our vet and what my family has always had sucess with) I was not about to feed her chicken stuff, it was gross :) So I accepted that that must be it, and went along with little Spork. She puked, or tried to, again the next day, and then was fine again until yesterday, when she did it twice. But she's been fine all day today.

Question being, does this sound like a normal puppy-changing-food thing? Or... should we go see another vet? I'm just really worried as I don't think I could stand to not have this little angel, she's been really easy to get attatched to. Also, where is a good vet on the North side of Brisbane? We went to the closest since the husband nabs the car each morning and I have to walk to get places (boo hiss). I have a feeling I could steal the car for a day though to get to a vet if we need to. We're in the Kallangur/Strathpine area, but yeah...

Thanks in advance guys, you always seem to have good advice for people :(


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Firstly she needs a BLAND diet if she has bouts of vomiting. Grab some chicken drumsticks, peel off the skin and boil them. Throw away the bones, flake the meat and pour the warm stock (rick in minerals) over some cooked rice to make it nice and palatable. Throw in a carrot or sweet potato into the cooking water too and mash a teaspoon full in with the rice for some vitamins if she does OK on just rice and chicken.

I would avoid raw chicken, especially parts with a lot of skin as the fat can upset her tummy is she is sensitive. But she will need something to chew on later on to keep her teeth clean and exercise her jaws so when she is better introduce chicken wing tips and necks under supervision. Sometimes if you roll them in something like sesame oil, soy sauce or the like the dogs accept them better.

As for the dry food, grab something like Royal Canin or Eagle Pack (ask the store for sample bags or a money back guarentee). Its a little dear but you have a teeny weeny dog so it will stretch. When she goes OK on the above diet then start introducing the dry food, just a few at a time. Put them in some warm water to soften them.

A little cooked garlic in her food can help keep away fleas. Ask the vet or pet supplies for an Oatmeal shampoo, great for dry skin. Rinse her coat with wather, then in a mild chamomile tea solution and leave it in. Smells good, has natural healing and insect repellant properties. Towel dry only and keep her warm.

I would try another vet. If she is just gagging maybe she has something stuck in her throat or her soft pallet is annoying her.

Edited by Nekhbet
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Perhaps she is just not used to having just dry food... you should try to wean her onto the food as she has probably been used to mushier stuff in the past...

Perhaps the dry food is making her thirsty? Does she drink a lot and does she have water available to her at night?

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Thanks guys. :)

We went to see another vet today after she did it again this morning and worried me. He thinks everything looks okay, just figures she has a bit of something stuck in her throat that's irritating it :wave: Poor pup. But anyway, he's got us on the "bland diet" feeding her some canned prescription stuff now to try and get her throat/belly calmed down. So hopefully that'll work.

I just had a bit of a worried mom moment, but hopefully she'll stop worrying me... about this anyway :)

Oh, and where's a good puppy school around Brisbane's northside so we can start looking into that? Any ideas?

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