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Puppy Don't Sleep In Bed Tonight


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Hi guys,

I observed something about my 9.5week Lab puppy and don't understand it, perhaps some of you can shed some light if this ever happened to your pup before?

My pup sleeps in a Pen, there's a bed in it made out of cardboard box. I'll get a big bed when she's bigger. This is what happened today. I gave her half a chicken frame, she has eaten this before and is fine with it. Anyway this frame was given to her inside the pen. Then she decided to drag it into her bed to hide/eat it and the frame left some stains (and smell) on the bedding material and the cardboard box itself.

Tonight I noticed she's been sleeping on the tiled floor outside the bed for a long time. She don't usually do this as it is really cold flooring. What do you think is happening? I don't quite understand her psychological state here. I've taken away the bedding material now and replaced with another clean one. Although the box itself still carries some smell of the chicken. In the begining she attempted to dig a little and then finally fell asleep.

Advice? :cry: Thanks :)

Edited by flycow
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while they're puppies try getting washable things. Chuck out the cardboard and grab a new one with fresh washed bedding. I know there are those plastic tub type beds. When you're finished stick it on ebay :cry:

Sometimes pups overheat (yup even in winter) and go for a little sleep on the tiles. One of those things no one will ever understand, my mastiff boy in FREEZING weather will plonk on the tiles and smoosh himself out to cool down?!

Try giving smaller chews and if they finish take them away. Get the pupu out of the burying habit or it'll start with your furniture hehe

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Would you want to sleep in your dirty dinner dishes???? My guess is the same thing is happening here.

Yes I wouldn't too. Then I was thinking she seemed to treasure that chicken frame so much and want to chew in bed, and then she ditch her bed because of the smell....:) I don't quite understand but they can be so different (to us) sometimes that make them unique. I probably gotta put on my doggy hat more. :(

while they're puppies try getting washable things. Chuck out the cardboard and grab a new one with fresh washed bedding. I know there are those plastic tub type beds. When you're finished stick it on ebay :)

Sometimes pups overheat (yup even in winter) and go for a little sleep on the tiles. One of those things no one will ever understand, my mastiff boy in FREEZING weather will plonk on the tiles and smoosh himself out to cool down?!

Try giving smaller chews and if they finish take them away. Get the pupu out of the burying habit or it'll start with your furniture hehe

I am considering building a kennel for her soon. Now I've just made another bed with fresh bedding for her. I will also give her bones under supervision only and take it away afterwards. It's great that you share with me the overheating experience of your dog :cry: because I have two smaller boys previously and they never had this problem. Current girl might really be overheating, now that I think of it, it's really possible. It's really a new dog everyday. :rofl:

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