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Search And Rescue Dog Training


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M-j and Jade, so many thanks for your promoting efforts. I know when I was on 3AW about 4 years ago I was really tongue-tied (now those who know me would say... NEVER!!) :rofl:

I could not locate the radio station because of the distance but 10/10 for supreme effort.

GO THE NEW SARDA GIRLS :laugh::vomit::rofl::rofl:

Can I organise a date with our radio stations here in Melb????? :(

I have had Labradors all my life (we bred them) so I suppose I am a bit bias when someone asks me what the ideal retrieving/sar dog is. This weekend we have a new member starting who has a cocker spaniel puppy - I am really looking forward to this pup's attributes toward becoming a sardog. Once we get him to settle into the search & not the hunting instict, I think we will have a nice little dog.

We have has all breeds in the unit with all kinds of attributes :rofl:

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Labradors rock and roll!!!. Sorry cannot help myself tonight.

I've got half your black labs over at my place, LL. On my white jacket from when I visited! :( Maybe I could use the hair to knit myself a puppy!

I'm minding a friend's lab at the moment ..... so it seems that my "path" is taking me down the labrador trail. Not a bad thing at all, given the skill of the SARDOGS - "River" & "Gus" as well as those of LL's - "Stamp", "Pepper", "Yank" & "Yo" (not to forget "Cracker", who loves to get on camera :laugh:

But eventually, once I've got my SARDOG puppy up and trained, I'd still like to add a Ridgy pup to my family. :vomit:

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