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Refuses To Walk


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is he having issues with the outside world or just having a leash on?

I once had a german shepherd puppy that threw an absolute screaming fit whenever you clipped a leash on him ... silly boy he was.

Firstly NEVER TUG!!!! Tugging just builds up his resistance and shows hiim that leashes mean unpleasant things. The harder you try the more he goes 'no no no' and the more to undo later.

Now start in the living room or backyard. Clip a short leash to his collar and play a little. Encourage him to follow you, call his name and praise him when he runs to you. When he comes to you, grab the little lead but DONT TUG IT and reward him with food and pats. When he sees following is fun then grab the longer one and try the same thing again. Let him explore and understand that the leash is not a punishment but simply a boundry. Let him play on the lead, if he gets to the end of its length call him back excitedly so he understands that the little tug he feels means come back and not something horrible. Once again heaps of treats and praise.

This way you teach him to be confident but respect the leash as well. Some people go a little too far and the dog becomes a tugger hehehe.

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I had a dog that would not wear a collar so would not walk on a lead.

I put the harness on him and had no more problems walked everywhere on a lead after that.

Also had a girl that hated the harness but would walk with the collar and lead.

Cant please everyone all the time just some of the times.


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