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What Now?


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Last night I have rushed out in the 10 minutes that it wasnt raining to do drive building with Baby Divani.

All exciting and fun, I tied her to the fence, showed her the ball and lets say she was to the far left, I jerked the toy to the far right she lounged herself really hard hit the end of the lead and cried (she was on flat collar) got scared and "run away" to the far left where she run out of lead and jerked herself again and cried again. :rofl::thumbsup: :rolleyes:

So she ended up totally out of drive, thinks the ball bit her, hates being tied up, tail down face as the world collapsed on her, hates me as well.

I untied her tried playing - no luck :cry:

Took her outside the yard she calmed down and started exploring, got the ball out and she kind of only kind of was interested in it. I really tried to make it all good again, run with the toy, bounced it around laughed etc, but she is reluctant.

This morning chased the toy inside the house of a bit lost interest REALLY quickly.

Instead of building drive I have just killed everything I had.

What do I do now??????

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i would leave her for a day or two and not do any drive building with her just get her used to being tied up again so she feels comfortable on the tie out,

maybe for the next 2 days have her in the crate while your building/training in drive with rex just so she can watch and see how much fun he is having. (hopefully she will be going nuts in the cage watching you and rex having heaps of fun)

just remember to try an act as if nothing happend so the pup doesnt pick up on you being abit stand off ish in training.

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Thanks Jeff.

By the looks of it that crate will get moved around few times in the next few days :thumbsup:

Im so dissapointed - we were going so good, she was really enjoying herself, now its like Ive taken 3 steps forward and than 30 back :rofl:

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J O's ideas are great, or maybe try putting her in a harness and tie her to that instead? The Medium one fits my brat. You are doing well at having her tied up to play, mine still refuses to play tied up. He just sits down and refuses to even look at me! Hmmmm have to work on that one! :laugh:

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You meant to say I DID :laugh::love:

now she is affraid of the brand new orbee ball especially bought for her...

I wont even mention what she thinks aobut being tied up in the spot where it happened.

We will go back to the biting of toys on the sofa for a while I think :cry:

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you dont really want to be swapping around equipment for a tie out incase the dog realises it only has to work when its in a harness, unless u want the harness as a trigger

with the orbee try putting a bell inside one of the holes where the rope goes so it makes a noise when you swing it around / throw it, that way the dog has a visual and audible stimuli

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Well mine has LOST the brand new Orbee ball :laugh: I loved it more than he did! But have searched everywhere and can't find it! :love: I think I'll be starting to tie mine up inside first and then move him to outside as he doesn't seem as upset inside, I think because I started him on the TOT outside, he thinks I'm going to tie him up and leave him for awhile!

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Try anything and everything you can in trying to initiate drive.

If you have created "hot" spots in locations move. If the ball has caused avoidance, reintroduce slowly and carefully. Keep sessions short.

I am sorry, gauging a dogs drive/handlers techniques, over the net is impossible.

I have personally tested over 40 dogs drives (on mostly well bred dogs) and each is different, not to mention the handler's timing.

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I took her fo a walk on the golf course this evening, off lead, did some show stacking (which in the past I rewarded with the ball) and she was fine.

I threw the ball for her few times, she was off lead and no collar and she chased it. I put a collar on, chased the ball as well.

i didnt want to steach it and just walked with her and let her explore.

OH got a new toy out inside a fluffy snake, its about 2 m long, she took the head and dragged the rest behind her really happy. Rex wanted it as well so she got all in the mode "Its mine" We took the toy away as there would have benn a war over it, but at least I know she is still interested in chasing them.

So I guess its OK-ish.

Thanks LL for the offer - Ill emial you

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Best thing I have done in situations like this is as Jefe's owner said, relax with her for a few day. More is not better it's just more.

Tie her up when you're ready to have another go and get one of you other dogs out and do some high prey drive right in front of the pup. When you're pup is jumping out of it's skin, get her of the tie out and see if she wants to work then.

With my own dogs and dogs at the Schutzhund club I was training director for I would get a 95% hit rate with the young dogs by just letting them watch and waiting for the right responses. No response or lack of response ment no training and the dogs hated it and learned quite quickly.

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get one of you other dogs out and do some high prey drive right in front of the pup.

I might have to borrow somoeones dog.... the one grown up I own has sofa drive :laugh: instead of prey drive

We will try - Im not doing any training with her apart form show stacking and that is sort of like petting anyway.

She grabs stuff (lets say washing) when I carry it, so I guess it cant be all bad.

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With my own dogs and dogs at the Schutzhund club I was training director for I would get a 95% hit rate with the young dogs by just letting them watch and waiting for the right responses. No response or lack of response ment no training and the dogs hated it and learned quite quickly.

95% hit rate. HR, you must be the best motivational trainer in the ................world, which you may be for all I know. To what level and/or standard of drive?

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Im happy to say that Divani is doing really well. We had out first day at the show today Im very proud of her and how she handled the situation. She was freaked out in the beggining but got used to the noise, people, dogs etc in no time.

Half way through the day she was chasing and biting the end of the lead in an area full of everyone and everything.

I let her have the ball once, she went for it no prob and than carried it for a while.

Im happy to say that at least she doesnt think that the ball still bites.

Mind you she preffered the liver treats over the toy today.

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Well far be it from me to be modest :thumbsup:

Don't forget LL that a lot of dogs that are in Schutzhund clubs are screened prior to entry to determine whether it's a waste of everyone's time. If the dogs showed signs of potential we would allow the member to join as a probation member for 3 months, if the dog improved we would allow them to join, if not, well need I say more.

I've been doing this a hell of a long time and I've had the opportunity to work with many thousands of dogs so I've picked up a trick or two in my time.

One of the ladies who trains with me at the Rotty Club just scored 195 out of 200 in her Novice trial and won the trial.

Not all dogs will exceed in drive work, it's heavily based on a pre assessment prior to beginning

Edited by Herr Rottweiler
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It's trickier than I thought it would be!

At least she doesn't still think the ball bites :thumbsup:

Kaos just wants to go for a walk instead :happydance:

Did our first tie out session today in backyard where I haven't done much drive training - went really well :thumbsup:

Just need to get him to stop associating lead etc with just walk and explore . . . I guess when I get the tie out really well, move it to the front?

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