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Dogs Learning By Observation Of Other Dogs


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My puppy had witnessed my dog being extremly unhappy and agro towards other dog (nothing happened apart from some spit and dribble on the window - as the other dog was on the other side of the glass door) but would she learn from that? what would she learn? She was only a witness of an incident

At a guess I would imagine it depends on what Rex got out of it.

If the other dog went I gotta get out of here and Rex was very pleased with that result, she may make a mental note to put that in her bag of tricks when faced with the same type of confrontation , if she feels that it might just work for her, at that moment..... only she will really know but you may find out some time in the future if she did and she feels the need/has the inclination to use it. I also believe you will increase your chances of this happening if she sees Rex achieve the desired result on several occasions, with little or no failures.

Like I said I am only guessing :o



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There is a money back guarantee, isn't there?

Only on faulty workmanship, if MIL tells you need to get Kal outside and she needs to stay out, this isn't covered........enjoy :o



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There is a money back guarantee, isn't there?

Only on faulty workmanship, if MIL tells you need to get Kal outside and she needs to stay out, this isn't covered........enjoy :o



:laugh: Eeeeeeewwwwwww! So, your MIL needs behaviour modification treatment? :eek:

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Dogs learn most of their skills from observation.

We have to observe them in the hope of gleaming how, what, why they do, as they do. It is a beautiful thing, to watch them closely.

Training is being able to communicate to them. Simple.

Now lets talk about wagging tails, ..........watch, LOL. Dogs can definitely smile and laugh. Just imagine what they think of us, when they see us smiling for the first time. Do you think we are barring our teeth at them?

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Just imagine what they think of us, when they see us smiling for the first time. Do you think we are barring our teeth at them?

For the sensitised dog, this is possible. Although most dogs take in the whole picture, such as smooth forhead (ie no frowning wrinkles), eyes not glaring. Humans often use their voice in greeting too, which a dog includes into the "big picture" and hence (generally) understand we are not threatening. Add in our habit of leaning in, over and towards the dog however, and the "picture" as perceived by the dog can change quite damatically.

But I believe some dogs do mimic our smiles by way of greeting, at times.

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Dogs can definitely smile and laugh. Just imagine what they think of us, when they see us smiling for the first time. Do you think we are barring our teeth at them?

Can dogs smell our emotions??? I have often wondered this and I don't see why they can't as we do release chemicals and they can smell them and as they areen't silly I sure they could put our behaviour and a certain smell together??? or am I just being silly.



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At a guess I would imagine it depends on what Rex got out of it.

If the other dog went I gotta get out of here and Rex was very pleased with that result, she may make a mental note to put that in her bag of tricks when faced with the same type of confrontation , if she feels that it might just work for her, at that moment..... only she will really know but you may find out some time in the future if she did and she feels the need/has the inclination to use it. I also believe you will increase your chances of this happening if she sees Rex achieve the desired result on several occasions, with little or no failures.

To describe the situation better.

We were inside the house, people and dogs (Rex and Diva) Bear was outside. Rex went to one solid door smelled the other dog and started barking, knowing the layout of the house he run to another room thinking of having a chance of going through the glass door. While he was barking Diva observed, while he run towards the glass door she somewhat followed him. Bear must have also changed the position from being behind the solid door to being behind glass door. By the time I got to the glass door Rex was going off his head Diva behind him watching.

I pulled Rex away by his collar, put him in a bedroom where he carried on for a bit, I think Bear barked as well while he was outside.

I dont think that Diva would have seen Bear being driven away, as outside was dark, and from inside you couldnt see anything apart from your own reflection.

As to dogs and emotions - my dog freaks out when I cry, he doesnt know what to do with himslef. Once or twice when I was in serious depression really crying hard he came and licked my face and snuggled up to me. Otherwise he doesnt want to know my problems :rofl: typical male :rofl:

He is very happy when Im happy I jump around he jumps around :rofl:

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Hi Myszka

I believe there are so many variables that could be applied to this one episode (re Rex and Bear's behaviour) anything said via internet would be wild stabs in the dark as to what Diva would be inclined to pick up from that episode. That hypothetical scenario I gave was one of few that I believe could happen, that I can think of, similar to one dog teaching another the joys of chasing postmen, they come, dog barks, they go, they are good teaching tools, it works everytime. Any dog/pup that has an ounce of guarding/prey/pack drive will probably be interested enough to take note ( as dogs are very much "what is in this for me"), next join in on the fun and if taken to another environment are more than likely to continue this behaviour on their own.

I'm no expert it is just that I have had an aggressive dog teach a normally non-aggressive dog to aggress at dogs and unfamiliar people in a certain place, she never ever became aggressive anywhere else with people. I'm actually not sure as to whether she would have actually bitten, had somone walked into the yard, but she looked pretty serious, I didn't test it. :thumbsup: But that was my dog, they are all different.

Erny... nice to have it confirmed that I'm not, :rofl:



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Well I guess Im interested in the hypotheticals :rofl:

As Rex is dog agro Im worried that Divani will pick up on his behaviours, thats why Im asking.

I mean I really dont put Rex in hairy situations, that one was a failure on my side to think that somehting like this will happen. and now Im panicking that the damage is already done. Hopefully not.

Thankfully she is more interested in chasing the ball with me than anything else, so hopefully I can overcome such distractions in the future.

This is the girl - asleep but watching :thumbsup:


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and now Im panicking that the damage is already done. Hopefully not.

Sorry I didn't mean to scare you, I'm a big believer in don't panic until there is something to panic about but certainly keep it in the back of your mind that she might learn unwanted behaviours from repeated experiences, which it doesn't sound like will happen.

One senario could be that carrying on like that may not appeal to her. I couldn't inspire my Maltese to play with a tug toy, through using model rival training or any other training, it just isn't in his nature, he was interested in watching them play but have a go himself I don't think so, "such an uncouth past time, pat me instead" :thumbsup:

Aren't dobes nice when they are asleep :rofl: She is very cute.



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