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Best And Worst Of Your Club

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This is for my obedience club


*Most of the ppl are great!!

*I like the way that the instructors spring new stuff on you (i've been there bout 2 yrs and they still pull out new challenges)

*fun sometimes


*You can never guarantee that when you turn up there will enough instructors for the number of classes (which quite often results in ppl from your own class instructing your class, it doesnt worry me tho when ppl from the top class instruct lower classes)

*Didnt like it in the beginning when first learning you would have one instructor tell you something and then the next wk you'd have a different instructor and they would tell you that what you were doing was WRONG and it was exactly what the previous instructor had said to do - i get it now that REALLY both instructors are kinda right because different stuff works for different dogs and handlers.

*It makes me sad to see such bad retention rates which i feel is due to lack of encouragement from some instructors

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Best points:

* It is the trialling component of the club so they are serious about training, have experience trialling and the dogs are not all running riot

* While they have set classes they let me do what I like - I can use different methods like food spitting or prey drive training even if they don't, and I can come and go within the class to do a certain exercise or not.

* Classes are a good size - not too big and not too small

Worst points:

* They do large blocks of heeling (as do most clubs) - which can be boring and class structure/exercises are the same each week

* While a few people use clickers and one looks to use prey drive quite well, on a whole they don't, and common problem exercises such as drop on recall show this (dogs drop slowly or recall slowly)

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Guest Clover

Ex club Good points...

1) Met some lovely people.

Worst points...

1) Grew too big too quickly.

2) Out of date training techniques.

3) Being told what to do all the time :thumbsup:.

New club (Mainly Flyball ATM) good points...

1) The people and the canines :thumbsup:.

2) Everyone is open to different training techniques and will happily try something different.

3) Did i mention the people...

Worst points...


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New club (Mainly Flyball ATM) good points...

1) The people and the canines :thumbsup:.

2) Everyone is open to different training techniques and will happily try something different.

3) Did i mention the people...

Worst points...


I'm gonna take Clover's word on that, because I start training at this new club next saturday...SO EXCITING!!!

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Best Points:

1. Great social outing for me and my dog.

2. Lots of different things on offer. obedience, agility, tracking, and we're working on getting lure coursing happening too...if we could just find time in our busy schedules!!

3. After a dog has reached a certain stage in obedience we have the choice of going to either trialling class or social class. The social class basically asks 'Ok, what do you want your dog to learn now, what issues are you coming up with at home or out in public that you would like help with. Eg, There was a dog that refused to walk down a certain street because of the sound that some flags made on a windy day...so we started desensitising the dog to flapping things. We teach tricks if thats what the class wants.

Worst Points:

1. The group of people that we refer to as the 'Cronies' that winge and complain no matter what you do.

2. People who are prepared to destroy the image of the whole club because of personal vendettas.

3. Those that want much more than the club can provide, but are never prepared to get off their :thumbsup: to help.

I guess you find 'em in every crowd!

Didnt like it in the beginning when first learning you would have one instructor tell you something and then the next wk you'd have a different instructor and they would tell you that what you were doing was WRONG and it was exactly what the previous instructor had said to do - i get it now that REALLY both instructors are kinda right because different stuff works for different dogs and handlers.

Each new beginners class at our club is told that different instructors have different methods of training and that what you might fall behind on in one class, you might pick up in another when you learn a different method of training. Our instructors are also rotated to a certain extent for that very reason. We don't call a training method wrong unless its too ludicrous to be believable or its down right cruel. That way instructors learn to be flexible instead of defensive of their methods.

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This is great guys you can certainly start to see pattern f what epople like in a club

Class sizes and lack of instructors is always and issue i like a six to one ratio max of ten but thats often impossible

New ideas sprung on you would love to hear more about that rastus what sort of things do they dp to challenge you

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- Love the grounds, 5 acres fully fenced, available 24/7

- Met some great people

- Some fantastic helpful trainers who will give you their opinion, not necessarily the "clubs" opinion


- Large class sizes

- Some instructors still teaching 20 year old methods (though it seems the longer we are there, the more they will let you do your own thing, I use lots of treats, and had a fantastic talk with an amazing instructor last night about it)

- The usual clicky group that bitch about everyone else (I'm sure every club has these)

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good points...

nice quiet grounds

small classes

freindly poeple

train using positive methods

access to agility at no extra cost

great puppy socialisation classes indoor

good friendly instructtors willing to listen and help.

bad points.

bad lighting and car parking

thats about all i can think of..

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My old club:


1. Fun activities, including some agility

2. Positive emphasis (food treats and toys encouraged)

3. No breed discrimination


1. Chaotic and undisciplined (often to the point of being unsafe, with uncontrolled and offleash dogs zipping everywhere. The atmosphere was very stressful for owners of reactive/fearful/dog aggressive dogs, as you never knew when your dog would be approached or jumped upon by some offleash, uncontrolled dog. Also made it difficult for any owner trying to use toy rewards, as they would often be mugged by excited offleash dogs who wanted the reward!)

2. Very large classes, so little one-on-one attention (hard problems often ignored)

3. Too positive (no corrections or training collars allowed, even in cases where the instructors' positive solutions hadn't helped the dog at all - as stated above, instructors tended to ignore these cases)

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My club


1) Must have the most beautiful setting in the world

2) Friendly,positive, wide range of positive training methods

3) Now supervised socialising at the beginning. Have a dam good go at stopping trouble areas before they get a hold. We usually allocate an Instructor for one on one work, even at the expense of amalgamating the senior class.

4) On lead unless told otherwise. My dog once got a bite on the base of his tail by a dob running wild while he was doing pre trial work

5) Unbelievably distracting grounds.Duck shit, barbecues,parties,stray dogs etc. Very good for proofing. Why do locals let their dogs wander in a platypus sanctuary?

6) I get left alone to get on with it with my dog

7) A core of people who are committed and give a stuff.

8) Some excellent patient role models.

9) I don't know what the fees are becuase I have never paid them.(ALways been on the committee or an Instrctor)

10) Couldn't give a stuff about breed/breeds. Just love the dogs.

11) Everyone knows my old dog.It is a ball for him


1) The ground is a swamp in winter.

2) Can be hard to teach becuase of (5).

3) Not a lot of triallists, pet orientation,but fantastic trial support help and tips from senior judge

4) A bit lax on times.

5) I am one of the people responsible. I would like in a lot of ways to disappear below the radar with my new dog!

6) Too few instructors. Too few instructors.Have I said it enough!!!

7) Have recovered thank heavens from the chaos that very nearly put me off when i first joined.

8) Some poorly controlled rank aggresive dogs . Pain in the bum, and gives me heartburn when I am taking the class. Wish I had 10 eyes, 20 hands and sixty tongues. But I don't. Tend to manage (all you can do with 15+ in a class) by using space and avoiding off lead exercises with them. I can not handle their dogs for them!

9) The usual predictable bitching that you get when you put a disparate group of people together. It is called storming and is as natural as waves on the beach. I wish I could suppress the yawns when it happens.

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Love this thread!!!

Gonna copy it and take it along to meeting tonight for self assessment and feedback. Might open a few eyes!

Might even do up a q'aire along these lines to hand out to all members at our club.

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Good points:

1. Very, very friendly

2. Always improving training methods

3. Offers lots of different things, eg: obedience, socialisation, agility, flyball, rally-0, trialling.

4. Small classes

5. Uses positive methods

Bad points

1. Lack of communication between office bearers and members

2. Lots of instructors who don't instruct

3. Fairly long waiting lists for obedience classes

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1. the people are very friendly and accepting

2. open minded training

3. accepting of all breeds and all temperaments

4. willing to go the extra mile to help anyone who needs it

5. truely care about all the people dogs, endless patience and perserverance

6. can train for agility, lots of equipment available

7. there's a licensed bar in the club house :thumbsup:


1. huge differences in knowledge & opinions between the instructors

2. class sizes can be very big (although they can usually produce extra instructors if it's excessive)

What the?

1. 8:30am Sunday training sessions? Someone has a sick sense of humour :thumbsup:

All in all I love my club. They're obviously not perfect, but they don't claim to be and always to their best.

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Old club...


Some great people

Great puppy class instructor :laugh:


Different instructors every week in higher classes, often conflicting advice and techniques

Poor class management i.e people show up late, don't control dogs (esp. aggressive dogs), wrong gear etc :rofl:

Big class sizes

Big club = politics! :rofl:

New club...


Its closer ;)

Small classes

Great people

Same instructor for each 4 week block

Same people in class each week for each block - no constantly catching people up who've missed several classes

Extra assistance readily offered if needed

They offer beginners agility for dogs 6 months and over :rofl:

Darcy loves it :rofl:


Having to leave home at 7.45 am on a Sunday to get to agility :D

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Ok - here's mine:-

Good Points-

No travelling time

It's on whenever I want

I do what I want and when

Nobody argues with me

Nobody tells me I'm doing it wrong

Power games don't happen

No contradictory instructions

We all like Dobes

Bad Poits -

Nobody to talk to

Don't learn much

Dog argues with me

Dog doesn't always "co-operate"

Not much in the way of equipment

You guessed it - we run our own "club" 'cause the two I have tried ........................


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yes i was thinking about the four week block being a good idea

I didn't think I'd like it, which is why I didn't start with this club at first..... now I reckon its great!!! 4 weeks on, a few weekends doggy school free (good for you and the dog!) and then another 4 weeks. Because you sign up for the 4 weeks, people take it more seriously and don't miss classes all the time. Highly recommend it! :laugh:

LOL @ noisymina!!! ;)

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