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Tell Me I'm Being Silly


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On thursday our new addition, a baby greyhound, arrived from NSW. He'd been in foster care for a week and came down in a crate inside the car (so as not to be exposed to pound dogs) with a dog transport company. He's 10 weeks old, but only had his first vaccination a week ago. Since he's been here, he's had the runs but I figured this was understandable considering his circumstances. He's happy as larry, as was his sister who came down with him and left my place for her new home this morning.

Chili, my 2 1/2 year old GSD, came to an obedience trial yesterday. She was in good spirits and was hungry for treats. Last night she had a turkey neck for tea. Sometime during the night, she threw up - it contained mushed up turkey neck. I didn't discover this until this morning when I offered her another for breakfast and she refused it - VERY unlike her. Her toilet this mornng was a bit soft but still formed. She is also very 'flat' and just laying around where she'd usually be running around with toys. She ate a bite of ecopet loaf at lunch time but left most of it. She's been laying/asleep all afternoon. She had some rice and boiled chicken just now, ate the chicken out but left the rice - didn't seem very hungry and didn't beg for my tea like she usually does. Mainly is just her behaviour is very out of character.

Tell me I'm silly to be thinking the greyhound has parvo and Chili now has it. I know thats very extreme but I just want to rule it out in my head - I'm very stressed :thumbsup:

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if your dog is fully vaccinated against parvo then it is highly unlikely unless it is otherwise sick and has a low immune system.

But it is not impossible... good thing is that if you get it quick with a bigger dog that has vaccination you have a better chance of survival.

In every probability it is just a tummy upset so don't panic.. but i would be taking a little trip to the vet for peace of mind.

parvo usually has a longer incubation period than just thurs to sun (3 days)...just have a check up tomorrow to be safe and feel sane again :thumbsup:

But dont panic as it is very unlikely okay !

Edited by Staffy-Lover
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Thanks Staffy-Lover, we'll go to the vet in the morning unless she's back to her full on, in your face, naughty self! Too quiet around here when shes sick.

Its really unfortuate timing which is one of the reasons why I panicked - my first dog, who was Chili's uncle, died at 2 1/2 this month three years ago. Its silly though because Chili knows she has to live until at least 16 to make up for Bayliss leaving me so young :thumbsup:

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i absolutely know how you feel.... the tiniest symptoms of parvo make even the most sane of us go crazy with thoughts... everyone knows the panic that this awful thing instills in people... i am guilty of the same madness :thumbsup:

I hope all is well tomorrow and we look forward to seeing Chili's 16th bday cake photos :thumbsup:

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Sorry to hear Chilli isn't feeling well, maybe just a little upset tummy :thumbsup:

Don't feel silly, I am guilty over panicking when Indi gets tummy upsets too! I remember when a pup at puppy school came down with a virus and the vet called to warn each owner to watch their pups closely. I had NO sleep for WEEKS, I was so worried!!!!! Of course, the Indi monster was perfectly fine :thumbsup: But I can remember feeling my stomache just drop when the vet called.

Hope you feel better Chilli!

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I would say that a vet would be the only one to put your mind at ease fully

But parvo makes us paranoid, really how many of us that rescue smell poo for that tell tale parvo smell? (gross I know but.........)

I hope she feels better soon

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Boris refused his tea last night and seemed really dull also - didn't notice it before tea time probably because I was watching Chili and the pup like a hawk. Cindy and Demso both ate overnight but had horrible yucky poo overnight - they seem happy enough.

Tiger and Checa both ate last night and their toilet this morning was good. They all had turkey necks on Saturday.

Chili and the pup had chicken and rice for tea, neither of them ate much of the rice. Pup had a poo at about 2am, he strained and yelped but the result was a perfect poo! This morning though, back to liquid yellow mess. Chilis poop was just slop but not as bad as pups.

Rang the vets, they said bring them all in but I don't have a trailer so taking Chili and the pup in this morning :thumbsup:

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The vet thinks its Corona virus (not sure if thats how you spell it) and doesn't seem particually worried, except for the grey puppy who I have to keep a close eye on. His hydration levels are ok for the moment but he'll be in trouble if it gets any worse. I've got a huge bottle of scourban and lecatade for their water.

I've told work I'm not coming in and I'm going to bleach everything this afternoon. Currently just having a big sook like a girl that my babies, expecially Chili, are so sad :p

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