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Neat Straight Drops?

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Just another thought, we as handlers, are walking straight, right????

Something I have significant problems with, no matter hard I try, to focus on say, a tree at a distance.

Edited by Lablover
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straight lines are a big prob for me with my eyes so i asked a mobility officer and they showed me how we all tend to takke a larger step with one side of our body hence we will be crooked when having nothing to line up with so if you stand squre and focus on taking same size steps you naturally walk straighter it takes time and practise but it is true

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Just another thought, we as handlers, are walking straight, right???? Something I have significant problems with, no matter hard I try, to focus on say, a tree at a distance.

Is that before ....... or after a long lunch, LL? :thumbsup:

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Working on the straight thing altogether.... Darcy tends to bend a little around my knee "banana style" when she's heeling which means she tends to sit with that bend or drop with that bend. She does such a good job of watching me but it means she's always slightly bent. Have no idea how to correct it without potentially messing with the "watching" :thumbsup: Plus its easier for her to watch while she's crooked at drop and sit, so I'm working on correcting her when she's in the sit and drop already and then rewarding.

CTD - what do you mean by "puppy sit"? Is that with a dropped hip to one side?

Edited by feralpup
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straight lines are a big prob for me with my eyes so i asked a mobility officer and they showed me how we all tend to takke a larger step with one side of our body hence we will be crooked when having nothing to line up with so if you stand squre and focus on taking same size steps you naturally walk straighter it takes time and practise but it is true

I have to agree. With retriever training, when I am training, for example, sending on hidden multiple retrieves at a distance - different piles, my angulation to the right is more often than not my failing. As a check I leave the dog, (if I have no one to check) and view the dog from hehind. With piles being a long distance away, an inch of malalignment at the starting point, makes a huge difference.

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Working on the straight thing altogether.... Darcy tends to bend a little around my knee "banana style" when she's heeling which means she tends to sit with that bend or drop with that bend. She does such a good job of watching me but it means she's always slightly bent. Have no idea how to correct it without potentially messing with the "watching" :thumbsup:

Try working on some more left about and left turns. TOO many of these might end up straightening but also pushing your dog away from you, so randomise with right about and right turns to recreate the 'tightness' of the heel.

ETA: Release and reward for the first few straight steps (don't try to keep it going too long) and then ask for more and more steps (with straight body). And it goes without saying that you use successive approximation as your schedule of reinforcement. The "banana body" heel will receive little reward whereas the straight body heel will receive high level reward. Eventually, the "banana body" heel will receive no reward at all and will be counted as unacceptable.

Edited by Erny
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Working on the straight thing altogether.... Darcy tends to bend a little around my knee "banana style" when she's heeling which means she tends to sit with that bend or drop with that bend. She does such a good job of watching me but it means she's always slightly bent. Have no idea how to correct it without potentially messing with the "watching" :thumbsup:

Try working on some more left about and left turns. TOO many of these might end up straightening but also pushing your dog away from you, so randomise with right about and right turns to recreate the 'tightness' of the heel.

Further to Erny's post, slow up/take smaller steps just before a turn.

Erny, when is our lunch COMBO dinner, MEET again???????????????????? LOL. Maybe we should start with breakfast, champagne etc. Long suffering husband came training with me today, as he found a new training farm. On our way home, while discussing the dogs, he mentioned he finds training boring. No wonder I do not cook often. LOL.

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Erny, when is our lunch COMBO dinner, MEET again???????????????????? LOL.

Aaaaaggghhhh! Soon, I hope. I so need to get out and let the hair down!!!!! I'll check you for walking straight lines straight after. :thumbsup:

Sorry peoples .... :thumbsup:. Won't do it again. :D

Edited by Erny
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Aaaaaggghhhh! Soon, I hope. I so need to get out and let the hair down!!!!! I'll check you for walking straight lines straight after. :thumbsup:

Sorry peoples .... :thumbsup:. Won't do it again. :D

Not really off topic. Its all in the technique.

For example, I am tall, so I try not to bend (my knees, body etc) and thus change my posture. Training is training though, so ............. it is different than the end testing.

Nothing wrong with practicing without a dog, and videoing yourself, or in front of a mirror, or with someone behind you to check. Most people look down not out.

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lol!!! I don't mind you going OT!!!

I know I don't walk straight either, I had an op on my left knee which was pretty full on and I haven't really regained full balance which means if I'm not looking where I'm going I veer to the side!!!

Oh, Molly was an absolute terror this morning at training, combination of being too excited to be back and we were running late so jumped out of car ran through gate and into class and then somehow expected her to be calm! Also another dog lunged and bit her on the face when we were walking to class :thumbsup: Didn't hurt her but upset me alot

Won't be rushing so much next time though! Even if we are late, I will slow down and let her sniff around abit and then go into class late and get half a good class!

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Used a short coffee table last night, (instead of a place board as it was available!) and just did drops to stand and only ct'd for a straight drop (which most of them were as there wasn't much room on the table)

Started in front then moved to heel position, they have picked it up pretty quickly, so I think a few more night of this and it will start to look a bit better

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