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Have You Ever Made Big Mistakes In Judgement

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*puts hand up*

Among the many mistakes I'm sure to have made and don't recall at this point in time, at training recently i corrected a dog for disobeying the drop and then discovered that this particular dogs command is drop....in polish :)

I'm still kicking myself

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I've made errors in judegment with one of my previous boys who is now in heaven.

First error in judegment was me thinking his aggression issues were minor and easily fixed.

Second error in judgement was me thinking he would not jump a 2 metre high balcony to get at another dog.

Loved him to bits but did make me more paranoid with future dogs.

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With my current foster dog I had done 2 weeks of recall training....let him off...was being very good and recalling everytime then he spots a human and takes off after him to say hello, the person was over 100 metres away and he wouldn't recall *bangs head*

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