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Chewing Wood

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Lately, the last week or so, Eddie has been chewing in the door frames and my desk etc

I have no idea why he is doing this, it's not something he has ever done before

One of the spot he was doing it is in the laundry and has been repaired with putty, after one of them (I assumed Molly at the time) chewed it already

So I thought well maybe its the putty, but then he just walked up to me at the computer desk leant on me and started gnawing on the desk

I have bitter spray so I might spray the frames with that

In the mean time anyone got any theories on why? Other than that he is a stafford of course :whisper: He has never really been a chewer like this

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He might be teething. I can't remember when that starts.

A few days ago Bruno was chewing on my antique coffee table :o I pulled it out of reach and replaced it with a toy. I don't leave him anywhere unsupervised.

Hope some of your furniture survives :whisper:

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I have gutters in my laundry wall from Bella running her nails down the wall trying to wake me up :rofl: Can't remember when she did that.

I think staffy's are bigger chewers than GSPs. You might have to buy more of the big chews :whisper:

If you have a crate you could put him in there everytime he chews and see if that helps.

Where are the staffy experts when you need them :o

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Lablover yeah they have been home with kc

They are normally out walking or training or swimming pretty much every day, have been trick training with them a bit but not like normal

BP, I might get some of the big chews for him, he is probably just looking to be doing "something"

Edited by shoemonster
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Yeah - I'm silly that I didn't think about that when I think its the reason for my other thread in training about Eddie not sleeping through the night too!

*slaps self in the head!!!*

BP, glad you got a naughty one too :whisper:

My friends were always annoyed with us when we got Eddie cos he has been a pretty good pup really, but now we have Molly too they are double trouble, I think all those friends wished our devil girl onto us!!!

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Yeah - I'm silly that I didn't think about that when I think its the reason for my other thread in training about Eddie not sleeping through the night too!

*slaps self in the head!!!*

BP, glad you got a naughty one too :hug:

My friends were always annoyed with us when we got Eddie cos he has been a pretty good pup really, but now we have Molly too they are double trouble, I think all those friends wished our devil girl onto us!!!

Repeat after me - "My dogs are misbehaving cause they're sick. They have kennel cough!". Got it now :hug::hug::rofl:

My two are both naughty. Bella was nearly calm and then I got Bruno. Now they're both naughty :) I have renamed Bruno "Cyclone Bruno" after he broke into the house last week while I was away for the day. I'm still finding shoes in strange places, my rubbish was chewed and spread over the house and my bedroom curtain has been shredded :eek:

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My Dobe pup has taken to chewing the coffee table corners. We also have a wood fire at home and if we leave wood out to go in the fire, he chews bits off them and spreads them everywhere! I actually spread mustard all over the corners of the coffee table tonight and so far it has worked a treat :hug: Now he's just chewing our clothes, my shoes, the cat's dishes, the cushions, his bed, the laundry basket, clothes pegs, table legs and people! Phew! One down, six hundred to go! :hug:

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'El Destructo' here is chewing a pallet, firewood, destroyed a tiretoy in 10 minutes (the indestructable ones) and started on the handbrake in the car......... :hug:

Obviously they can grow into it....hopefully they grow out of it....


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