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For What Length Of Time Have You Been Training


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Just curious to find out an average for the length of time people tend to continue to go to their dog training schools.

Eg. 6 months? 12 months? 2 years?

How long have you been going?

ETA: It doesn't matter if you've started then stopped; changed schools etc. Just curious to know for what accumulative period of time people have been attending formal obedience classes.

Edited by Erny
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Although it is a straightforward question, I don't have a straightforward answer :thumbsup:

With Zoe, I went to classes from when she was around 4 months (did puppy preschool before that) till she was around 2 when I took a break to try to get some private help with her dog aggression, came back to the club about a year later, then moved a year after that and started at a new club with her for about 6 months til I got Diesel. (so until she was around 4 1/2).

When I got Diesel I started taking him and stopped taking Zoe. I took Diesel from when he was 10 weeks til he was about 2, when I took a few moonths break to build his motivation up again as he was getting bored and slow and I want to trial him so I want enthusiasm. I started back with Diesel a couple of months ago, and also got Kaos, who I take along with Diesel and they split the training time in class.

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Thanks for the response, Kavik.

So, total training time at training school would be about 3 years 4 months for Zoe?

And about 2 years with Diesel?

And about 2 months with Kaos?

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I have been training with my club for about 18months.

I can't really say I train with them though more just train there. I train my dogs differently to most at the club, My club is pretty much old school with their training methods. I like to use motivational training or prey drive training so it doesn't really work out well for me in a group situation.

I joined mostly to help the club so we can continue to run trials as the club has a member shortage and we are in a regional area.

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I've been with my club for 8.5 years. Started with one dog in obedience, now have three in obedience and/or agility. All dogs have had breaks from formal training at some point. I also trained as an instructor in obedience and agility at my club. Now I convene the Agiliyt Sub-Committee and serve on the Main Committee.

I think that makes me officially a glutton for punishment. :thumbsup:

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that's funny.

At first i would always make up excuses. It's too hot to train, I can't stay too long so I didn't bring the dogs or what ever else I could think of. Now I have the confidence to just say 'block heeling is not for me or my dogs'.

Our club is slowly changing for the better.

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YEs i have always trained in the corner luckiy our club never really worried about what was doing and apart from the odd comment it was fine. Mid you im pretty forward when i want my own way

these days they have a different attitude they respeact what i have done wth my dogs and i have been asked to help out rewriting the manual running the instructor course and generally make changes its a slow process but we are getting there

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Bella went to obedience from 10 weeks to 1 year (did puppy, beginners and intermediate three times). She then got KC and wasn't allowed back for 6 mths. Did some research on this forum and discovered training in drive. Booked in with K9 Force two months ago (Bella is now 2 1/2). Bella is now doing TID from home.

Bruno is 16 weeks old and is in puppy class. He is also TID from home. Not sure what else I'll take him to. He is very easy to train and would do very well in obedience. Have to discuss with K9 Force about the best options are. BTW everyone at puppy class wants to know how I got Bruno to do a sit stay at his age. I say he was born sitting (TOT :thumbsup::thumbsup: )

Edited for words that were too long ..

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Well I started at 4 months after puppy pre-school and still going (dog is over 2). A bit embarressing when a 10 month old pup has just got into the same class level tho :o - however that handler has trained dogs before.

I enjoy it as it gets me out of the house away from hubby and the kids for a while. :whisper:

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So KK has been attending classes for 1 year 8 months with the one dog.

BP went with Bella for approximately 10 months.

Pax has been attending classes (with the one dog, I presume) for 18 months.

Can't work out the class attendances (for each individual dog) with some other responses (although it's nice to hear from you and what you get out of your classes) as the info isn't specific.

What I'm interested in .... and simply curious about, follows on from the thread about what you pay for your club memberships and each class you attend. I know it will vary from one to another, but I just wanted to work out in my own mind what the average total training fee/cost ends up being in regards to each dog's training through clubs/schools.

This would be on the basis of averaging out the fees as reported in the other thread, and averaging out the attendance record for each dog taken to class.

For example, if club fees (generally speaking) are $25.00 per year for membership and $2.50 for each class, then the cost for KK's training might be in the vicinity of $260.00 (and counting).

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I've trained for 2 years since Bob was 8 months old - 12 months at one club and 12 months at the current one. We are doing a Social class atm, mostly I train a little away from the other dogs as Bob is pretty stressy. We are starting Rally-O in a couple of weeks, so we'll be doing 2 classes hopefully. I keep on going as it's a social outing for both of us, [me especially] :whisper:

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Guest Tess32

I took Reilly from 4 months to about 18 months consistently, and then I needed a break. Now I'm going to go back (he's 2.4) just for the social side.

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Bellas fees for the year were $100. We puppy 8 weeks, beginners 8 weeks and intermediate 24 weeks. Total 40 weeks - so thats $2.50 per week.

This year I paid: $60 annual fees, $40 for Bella (who hasn't actually been cause I did K9 Force training instead) and $40 for Bruno for the year.

Does that help?

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Bellas fees for the year were $100. We puppy 8 weeks, beginners 8 weeks and intermediate 24 weeks. Total 40 weeks - so thats $2.50 per week.

This year I paid: $60 annual fees, $40 for Bella (who hasn't actually been cause I did K9 Force training instead) and $40 for Bruno for the year.

Does that help?

Yes it does, thanks BP. I guess I could have worded my OP differently and simply asked everyone to calculate what the training fees (including yearly memberships) have totalled for each of their dogs so far, and what period of time that has covered. :whisper:

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Erny - my dog is 2 years 4 months - so really I've been training 2 years. *mental note: must practice heeling more than I do*

I pay a family membership (tho the rest of the family gave up going) with an annual fee of around $30. That's it! No fee's for classes. Its a volunteer club and I get a bit of a discount cos I do some volunteer stuff.

There is a man who joined only recently (so on his first years membership) and he's already up to "gold" with his dog (he's a very experienced handler tho). Gold is the level you probably start doing encouragment classes at trials. For only $30 it's been good value for him! :whisper:

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so really your trying to compare an annual fee type cub to a lifetime of the dog thing

thing is circumstances change and needs change so if i had paid for life time with my first dog i would have had to leave we went interstate and then pay to join again up there

whereas with a yearly club you can move get sick of it what ever and you only lose a small fee

My current dog goes to trianing every week we pay 25 a year plus out three dollars he will go to club until he retires from competition work but our focus is very different to those who are looking for good behaviour it doesnt take years to get a well behaved dog unless the dog has issues

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so really your trying to compare an annual fee type cub to a lifetime of the dog thing

Yes, I am. I was curious as to what people really end up spending, compared to that of a lifetime membership style school/club.

thing is circumstances change and needs change so if i had paid for life time with my first dog i would have had to leave we went interstate and then pay to join again up there ... whereas with a yearly club you can move get sick of it what ever and you only lose a small fee

Yeah, I can acknowledge that. But I guess that weighs up against the possibility of NOT moving residence etc. and then training possibly costing, in the end, considerably more over time than it would have with a 'life time' one.

I suppose it's a matter for individual considerations and which way they want to punt.

The purpose of my thread, just in case it is misunderstood, was not to debate "lifetime -vs- casual", but just a sincere curiosity for what sort of money is paid out over what period of time (generally/on average) when a casual membership is adopted.

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Hi, I have trained Froggy for the 2 years since i got her ($10 yearly membership + $3 per wk - bout 45 wks a yr) so about = $145 yr so roughly $290 on obedience. Probably 25wks a year for agility (done for bout 1 year $7 per lesson)$175. Well worth it I feel (and I STILL think its incredibly cheap!! I love dog school!!)

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