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Ok Sort Out This Problem Using Drive!

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I have, inadvertantly, purchased from a local pet supplies store, what can only be described as a "Green Hand of Death". To most people (And I dare say dogs) it is otherwise known as a grooming mit. HOWEVER to my paranoid 12 week old Dobe puppy it is a Green Hand of Death and it is certain to kill or at worst, maim him in some terrible, brutal fashion.

Here is how a usual attempt at grooming goes:

"hey puppy, ready for a brush?!"

*puppy jumps and down as he really doesn't understand english, but hey! I'm happy so something good must be coming*

"Ok, puppy come over here and we'll give you a brush"

*I slide Green Hand of Death onto my right hand,puppy jumps and down still not understanding english, and as yet has not seen aforementioned GHOD*

"Ok, puppy come and sit on my lap and I will groom you with this wonderful grooming mit"

*puppy sees GHOD and takes off tail between legs "I'M GONNA DIE I'M GONNA DIE, I'M GONNA DIE"*

"It's ok puppy, here come and have a sniff, honest you are NOT gong to die"

*puppy sniffs glove tentatively bites a corner and as soon as hand moves, zooms across room "I'M GONNA DIE, I'M GONNA DIE, I'M GONNA DIE!"

"NO puppy, you are not going to die, here let me run this along your body, trust me it feels nice!" (Ok I'm lying here as I have never run it along my own body to actually ascertain WHAT it feels like, but I'm still working on the presumption that the puppy doesn't understand english)

*puppy zooms around and around room, now thinking this is the best game ever invented, and is play bowing, barking, making brief lightning quick forays to nip the GHOD and then zooming off again*

"Now look here puppy, you HAVE to get groomed, you have been rolling in dirt, digging up rabbits, climbing through hay bales, you are FILTHY!"

*quickly I sneak in a 'brush' to which the puppy zooms off again and turns and play bows and barks at my Green Hand of Death*

Now my question is, how on earth do I solve THIS dilemna by using drive training???!!! Now this may sound weird (This coming from someone who has called her grooming mit the Green Hand of Death :thumbsup: ) BUT I ran a calculator along his back the other day (He was there, the calculator was there, what are you going to do?!) and he had the exact same reaction. :thumbsup: Suggestions anyone?!

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Forget the GHOD. :thumbsup:

Try just a damp face washer or sponge or anything else that pup does not see as fatal - and get it used to grooming like it is to patting, using a few treats as you go. Later on, the GHOD can be left lying around on the floor, on dogs bed etc if you are really sure you do need to use it - eventually.

Our Dobe, who was re-homed at 4 years was a snapper whenever we got to the rear end. She's great now since she learned that a back scratch is *heavenly*. Last time we went to the vet, he actually got a thermometer where they put them - for the first time since we got her - over 2 years ago now!

My fav book - "Getting in T-Touch with Your Dog" Linda Tellington-Jones. :thumbsup:

I have given up on the nails tho. :thumbsup:


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When you just pat him he's fine! It's just the GHOD that he freaks out at! He's fine to clip his nails and he's fine around the back end (Had his temperature taken at the vets the other day no probs!) Just my deadly grooming mit he's worried about! Oh and he's also good to bath, so I figure I'll just wash and dry him, he's short coated so the brush isn't REALLY neccesary, I was just wondering why! :thumbsup:

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Well, this is what I do - one of my little experiments if you will. I would throw the device (after creating movement/drive with it) and see if a "prospect" retrieves it. Thus they are praised and the brush/comb/keys whatever becomes satisfaction (and fun)

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I was just wondering why!

He's a Dobe. :thumbsup:

Should have seen mine at the agility course - no tunnels, won't jump on stands/tables, finally ventured over ther tyres - jumped through a hoop a couple of times, but then it "attacked" her and she won't go near it. etc etc. Pity about the instructor - not the least Dobe savvy, unfortunately. :thumbsup:

I guess you could put treats inside the GHOD and let him learn that it is a good thing?

I've tried all sorts of grooming stuff on Dobes over the years - now it is just a wash and dry and run around.

If she is shedding a bit, I use the horse grooming block on her while she is still damp - this removes a lot of loose hair - and then just wipe her over again with a damp sponge and dry as usual.

At the last visit to the vet, he wanted me to use an anti-bacterial shampoo - and I must say the Malaseb has brought her coat up a treat. He recommended a good scrub in the areas where she has a bit of a skin problem, so I got the plastic brush thingy the fellas use for their hair and scrubbed all over with that too. Guess it is more in the shampoo and a good scrub than in anything else. :thumbsup:


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I would have the pup on a collar and lead and just grab the GHOD :thumbsup: and just do it. I'm sure (because it is a highly intelligent breed) the pup will soon know that grooming is heaven to a Dobe and finish with a good game.

I would be very matter of fact about it, I have been like this with my Dobes and I can do anything with them on my own, nail clipping/dremmeling included.

So where are the puppy photos???? :thumbsup:

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I love it. Last night I had instead of your GHOD an empty coke bottle making sounds on the wooden floor.

Absolutly same type of a scenario and reactions.

I left the Coke Bottle of Death on the floor, placed a toy near it and encouraged her to come to the toy. That worked for me.

Have you considered turning GHOD into a prey item? or putting yummy expensive lets say french :rofl: pate on it?

Other than that, I like PAXs idea, apart from the death factor the pupp will learn that the GHOD is actaully not so bad after all.

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or putting yummy expensive lets say french wink.gif pate on it?


That's desperate stuff. :o

We had an issue with the vacuum - even when it was off - and it is a ducted system, so all you see is the hose and nozzle. :rofl:

I ended up putting the hose along the corridor, to one side, and a trail of treats along on the other side.

took a while, but she eventually condescended to walk along beside the hose while the vacuum was OFF. :D

Then we started the walk over the hose trick - she's still dicy about it all, but not s**t scared like she used to be.

Next question - why does mine carry on like a lunatic when - - - the rubbish goes out. :rofl:


Edited by noisymina
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...under about 10 months I would buy a really cheap lookalike (so that you have one good one and one that can be destroyed) and as the others suggest, make it into a game - tie a peice of rope through it and run around and drag it around the backyard while sounding like a complete lunatic, and make sure there's something smelling nice inside it when it gets pounced on - but that you have to get it out...so that pup thinks...hmmm...fun, hmmm, cheese...mmm, mum gave me cheese...and if there's one thing that a Dobe just can't resist - that's making a total idiot out of their owners.... :hug:

Please upload video so I can see it you look like I did when I had to do it with my last Dobe bitch, Taryn!!!!! :hug:

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and if there's one thing that a Dobe just can't resist - that's making a total idiot out of their owners.


You learn something every day. :eek:

So that's why she won't give me the ball back.

She sucks me in showing how much she wants to play ball - then runs off back to her bed with it.

Leaves me standing out in the yard looking -- like a total idiot. :hug::rofl:


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Well update on our GHOD! I tried LL's suggestion last night of using it as a prey item, and he was more than happy to pounce on it and take it away and try to destroy it..................So once I eventually got it back off him and did that several times, I managed to brush him with it, I still had to hold his collar to stop him running away, but he just stood there instead of trying to squirm away and escape, so thanks guys! :hug::hug:

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