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Akita Sam ... A Short Video Montage


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For our darling Akita, Sammy, the most incredible dog we have ever known .. so loved and now so missed.

He suddenly died 5 weeks ago, tomorrow, age 9 yrs.

We miss his big brown head ... and everything else about him ... we miss him so much.

We have created this Photo Montage, with a lot of tears, so we can share his life with you .. you can see him here .. with his life long Akita partner Kim.


Thank you.

Edited by AkitaSam
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Dear Sammy, today is the day you left us for another place, 5 weeks this morning and every second has been unbearable. The tears and pain just dont go away, we all love you so much, miss you so much, need you back in our lives.

Nine short years my darling boy, suddenly taken from us, your family misses you so very much.

Rest easy sweet puppy boy.

Love from your family.

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Thank you collie angle

Sam was just amazing … so friendly, so intelligent, such a wuss sometimes but still so dignified. The puppy/doggy stories would be another War and Peace.

He was family and cared for us as much as we cared for him, we truly miss him so much.

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Thank you Bonniebank

Yes, Sam was a very handsome boy ... and he knew it!

When he was a little naughty he would just give you one of his 'I’m handsome looks' and you would just melt on the spot. He never got away with it but always had another 'puppy look' in his arsenal just in case ... he is such a lovable character.

It’s still so hard to come to terms with this though, everything brings back such happy memories and there are thousands of them. After 3 years with his Cancer in full remission for him to be taken so quickly by something else was so unfair to him.

I fear the tears and sorrow are just the start of this families rollercoaster ride ... we still find it difficult to talk about him without tears flowing.

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Your replies are all beautiful, thank you so much from all our family.

Sam was a real character and we shared a great life and adventure together, we all miss him so very much it hurts.

The other Akita with him is his life long partner and friend, she has been with him all her 8 years and after 5 weeks is only now showing real signs of grief and confusion. We are all she has now and are helping her but we are not her Sam.

Thank you again

Sue, Tony and Family.

Edited by AkitaSam
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The other Akita with him is his life long partner and friend, she has been with him all her 8 years and after 5 weeks is only now showing real signs of grief and confusion. We are all she has now and are helping her but we are not her Sam.

Thank you again

Sue, Tony and Family.

If only we knew what they were thinking. ;)

It must be very sad for a dog to lose it's mate and be left alone (without a dog I mean).

I keep trying to talk to my other dogs about Pepper going but I'm sure (as I have so many here) they are probably saying "oh no. We are so sad. :bottom:

I bags her bed and her toys and her share of food!" :rofl:


I don't mean any disrespect by this post. Just trying to see a lighter side of things for me.

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Thanks Donniebank.

No disrespect taken, I have looked at her in the back of the wagon and said to myself 'she's thinking WOW look at all the space i have now'...

I understand what you are saying and feel the same way, they don’t understand what’s happened but they do know something is missing.

If we had 3 dogs I'm sure they would find other things to occupy their days and thoughts and simply get on with life. We humans are much weaker.

We are worried that she may be sensing something very deep, I guess at this stage we just need to keep reassuring her and if this persists over the weekend take her to her Vet on Monday.

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Hi Bonniebank

Kim is just the same, seems a little lost. We have talked to the Vet this morning and i will let you know how she is doing in a few days.

Knowing Kim, she would settle down with a Puppy or an old doggy, she would get a bit touchy with say my sons BC jumping around.

We are looking at a new Akita Pup soon, they were born yesterday ... so fingers crossed. Kim will just mother him boss him around :laugh:

Hi Warley

Thanks also, yes he was loved very much, still is. He went every where with us and was a solid part of this family. We miss his more each day, even this morning when i got up i called both names to go 'outside' when Sam didnt come i went looking for him .. then remembered.

Its going to be a long road.

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Thanks also, yes he was loved very much, still is. He went every where with us and was a solid part of this family. We miss his more each day, even this morning when i got up i called both names to go 'outside' when Sam didnt come i went looking for him .. then remembered.

Its going to be a long road.

I am still the same with MiMi, mostly when I'm yelling and telling the dogs off. Her name still comes out , along with the others.

I got the extra food bowl out, so many times it made me cry.

It does get better with time :laugh:

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What a beautiful tribute to your sweet boy Sam :laugh:

Looks as though he had a very lovely time with you, he was lucky to have been a part of your life.

We feel your pain :mad:):mad our

Thinking of you in this VERY sad time :(

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It has taken some time to write this.

That tribute had me laughing and crying and I have never met Sam.

Beautiful shots of a full secure and loving life with your family.

I adore the sequence with Kim, you can see how close they were. I adore the Daddy watching the pesky pup shots - Sam looked so concerned and tolerant.

I also adored the beach shot - got a bit wet I'd say ;)

A wonderful tribute that not only expressed how loved Sam is but also portrayed his charcter.

Thank you

RIP Sam :rolleyes:

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