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I have just gotten off the phone from my father who is rather upset...his 14 year old Staffy X has gone downhill terribly in the last few days. The last couple of days she is refusing to eat the chicken/rice/vegie diet they have had her on and my father resorted to mixing in tinned dog food to get her to eat today.

Apparently she's very, very skinny in the back end now and also seems to be in a lot of pain. My dad seems to think the pain is her joints. Around this time last year she was put on a course of injections to help with the arthritis, while they were good for the pain they made her very sick and dad doesn't think her body will handle being so sick right now. She also has the runs very badly.

Couple of questions...first of all what can be done?? Dad is taking her to the vet tomorrow to see what they say but he'd also like to know from you guys as some of you have had dogs with this problem.

Can Tajah be given something for her joints that is NOT the injections...as in a glucosamine/MSM supplement or would her digestive system not handle that either? Also with trying to get her to eat, what can she be given that she will actually eat that is not going to contain too much fat to upset her body? How much fat does that nutrigel stuff have...I cannot find the ingredients or composition anywhere.

My dad is very concerned and very upset, he is at the point where he is seriously considering having her PTS. But I would like to know first if there's anything else that can be done to give her quality of life before that decision is made, we've had this girl for 13 years ;)

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Sometimes the hardest decisions are the kindest ones.

You are going to have to be guided by the Vet here, but if she doesn't really tolerate the meds, then it is not fair on her.

It is very hard to let them go when they have been a part of our lives for so long, but it is the last truly loving gift we can give them.

Thinking of you all.

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Thank you Nadia :rofl:

It's not my decision at all, I'm just wondering if there's something more that can be done...if not then certainly having her PTS is the kindest thing to do. I don't think my family will want to stay with her as it's done if that's what happens, so I will want to be there.

Oh god, this is so awful ;)

ETA: thank you Pandii :rofl:

Edited by shekhina
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As a last resort put her on prednisone. It is a great for the joints and helps with the appetite but not so good for the kidneys long term. It is certainly not what I reach for first but my old boy was on it for the last 18mths of his life after everything else stopped working. He had no other options and it gave him quality of life. When his kidneys started packing up I had him pts at nearly 17 years but the prednisone gave him another 18mths. I presently have a cat in kidney failure on it. She had stopped eating so I said to my vet what do we have to lose and she is still going strong

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I have called my dad and he's going to talk to the vet about the suggestions made, thank you to everyone. He has also agreed that if it is time for Tajah to cross the bridge that he will let me stay with her because he told me tonight that he just couldn't do it. I can't say I blame him, it would be the hardest thing to do ;)

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Thinking of you, your Dad and Tajah and wishing for the best possible outcome. ;) There seems to be a lot of these tough times going around to our DOL members at the moment. At least we are able to empathise and in our thoughts offer some support, whichever way things go. Good thoughts coming your way.

Edited by Erny
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Just got a call from my dad, he's just brough Tajah back from the vet. Vet seems to think they can manage her arthritis with Sasha's blend and for the really bad days like she's being having the vet gave dad anti-inflammatories. The vet also said to keep her on the same diet as you guys said in the earlier thread, of chicken/rice/vegies, but dad is also going to add in a little bit of the Nature's Gift tinned food just to mix in so she'll eat better.

So it's very good news here this morning, my dad is MUCH happier and so am I. Thank you everybody for your support, it is very much appreciated. I hope that the new stuff Tajah is starting on will keep her well and comfortable for that bit longer.

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I followed the same diet for my shepherd etc. Plus, prednisone. ( My dog had flooding problems from the prednisone) so could only use it intermittently, supervised by the vet etc.

But what I found made a big impact on my pets health, when not a lot would, was the [/b] crushed to her dinner, every couple of days for about a week . Than after that, once a week. You must use it, sparingly as excessive use, can cause anemia.

But I have personally used garlic in the food, and made a big turn around, when other things didn't work as well.

Have personally seen arthritic animals walking again, after adding it to meals. The garlic is a natiural antibiotic, an increases the blood circulation etc. My parents german shepherd had an accident, resulting in arthritus in the hind quarters later in life. She was eventually unable to walk, and lost a lot of fur around her neck, chest and tail.

Out of desperation, we tried the neighbours suggestion of garlic, after a month or so, the hair almost fully grew back, and she walked again, at a wobbly gate. Try it, I guaratee, it's worth it. It can cause the pets a bit of intergestion so, I gave them a small amount of milk after meal.


Hope this helps,

All the best,


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My parents in law have a elkhound who has bad hips the vet gave her the injections last year and they worked well... but he recommened giving her ostreo ease (sp) said it had the same ingredents as the vet brands with less cost.

Might be worth a go.


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