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She Is Finally Here


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My Baby has finally made it home today. She is not so little, 12kg already....

Her name is Divani (comes from hindu and means overjoyed with happiness) or in short DIVA.

She is cute, gorgeous, loving and right now very tired. Retrieves toys willingly, followes me everywhere already like a bad smell, left in a crate alone in a room screems her guts out for 5 minutes than whinges for another 5 and than is quiet, even if not asleep.

Threw up all over my car, drooled herself to the drowning point during the trip home.

Rex is beside himself and completly fallen in love.

She has found her spot already - next to my OH on the lounge :confused: , with her head on his lap being petted :rofl:

We have already learned how to go up than down the stairs, with a little help she master that in about 3 minutes, Than we learned how to go through the gate on to the golf course, need some help there as she physically couldnt jump it as yet, but definitelly tried.

We walked on the golf course a bit where it was completly dark and strange things happen in the bushes, and we did few fetch actions there, but certainly the most enjoyable thing for her to perform is to fetch my slippers, that is done each time with a jump than a "kill".

There is one drastic problem with her :rofl: she is chocolate brown and tan. She meant to be black and tan...........

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I can tell you it was very real when she emptied herself from each direction in the car :confused: I almost threw up with her :rofl:

I took some photos but she blends in too much with the wooden floor :rofl:

Will take some over the weekend thats for sure.

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Divas photos

We have had a very good night, she slept like a rock from 11.30 till 7am! Waht a good dog :confused:

We had a toilet walk straight away at 7, than we had a play that consisted of chase and tug - 5 minutes or so, got tired, lazed around on the lounge with OH watching soccer.

Breakfast with first TOT set up, another play later.

Asleep with Rex on his bed next to me for half an hour, woke up, so I decided to put hre in a crate for training... ear plugs in, its been 5 minutes of a concert, and it isnt stopping, I might have to leave the house, otherwise its hearbreaking :rofl:

But she is overall really good, still a bit overwhelmed by the world at large, the lawnmower, the bike, big loud things are not to her liking I have to say.

Got over the umbrella last night as it was raining and I had to wait for her to go to the toilet and had one open.

Scary monster umbrella at first isnt so bad after all especailly when one discovers that under it it isnt raining.

She isnt eating much which worries me a bit, might have to give TOT a bit of a break and maybe feed her in the crate for a day or two.

We will see..

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She's adorable. Quick question.....what happened with the colour mix up exactly?

Chocolate brown is lovely but if you were told she was black and tan?

What are your future plans with her? Obedience?

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I prefered the blacks but once you own a Brown you will change your mind.

The general public aren't so worried about the browns, they will ask you 'what sort of dog is that?'. :confused:

So who is the Dam and Sire?

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So who is the Dam and Sire?

That I will send to you privatelly.

As for general info she has on both sides some schIII dogs, a bit far into the pedigree to say that there is any of it left in her. There is Fedor v Norden Stamm and therefore Kalina v Norden Stamm on both sides of her dams pedigree. There is Kaiela Night Line on both side as well as plenty of American dogs. But Id say majority of her pedigree is Australian dogs. So she is a true mixture of everything, might be good might be shocking, we will see.

For now she is way too good, destroyed nothing, carries stuff around and will give back once I ask for it.

Still so far follows me way more tahn she follows Rex, although today we have all spend a day pretty much together.

She I think starts to get an idea of her name, not sure but if I call her she recalls from a play with Rex that she initiated.

I am waiting for the dissasters, surly there are some coming... if not she is another non dobe in a dobe skin.

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i have never seen a brown one before and i have to say, i think it is the most rich amazing colour, i love it...even more so than the black.

I'd say the black is the definitive colouration of the Dobermann breed, but there are certain browns I've seen which have such personality that they demand attention and adoration (Myszka knows who I mean!! :rofl: )

Rachelle maybe Ellie would like a cute Dobie-licious playmate just like Diva?? :laugh:

Edited by Flames_Daddy
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Congrats on your recent addition. Looking forward to hearing Diva's progress.

BTW, you owe me one, LOL. I organised taking video today, and was a little over encouraging to a certain lab. End result twisted knee and sprained ankle. LOL.

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Im sorry Lablover :p why did you do that?

If the video wanst going to be that good we wouldnt post it, although I dont think that your video would be bad at any stage...

ML - you can always visit, enough room here for you to stay over.

On Divanis progress. I took her to the ob club today, carried the monster majority of the time, 12 kg of her wore me out :laugh:

Met up with her litter sister, that she hasnt seen for 2-3 weeks, what a reunion :laugh: The owner of Reign took over 150 photos :) :D of the two monsters. :rofl: That is in hope that we get 5 good ones. Once I get them Ill post them.

Apart from the play with sis (that she totally bullied and I had to break the play) we did a bit of a walk around the grounds, discovered that there are airplanes, got introduced to a collar and lead (that is going to be a chalenge I can see already) and got about 50 milion "wow what a cute puppy" comments and more or less the same amount of "can I pet her?"

Divani got a bit overwhelmed by the big world again and collapsed asleep on my lap while the world was going by (namely classes were conducted)

Than we did nice heel to the car, back to the club house and back to the car, very nice indeed.

She only slightly drooled in the car (thank gawd) and collapsed at 5pm at home. I have managed to wake her up at 11pm to give her food, toilet etc, she did zoomies with Rex in the backyard, played fetch, tug, steal the toy with me and now watches motorcycle racing with OH.

And she still has no idea what her name is. :cry:

Her breeder smsed me today asking if I still like my puppy. I answered - NO pick her up, she is waaay to nice, I wanted a bitch this is one gorgeous puppy that I already love. LOL

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She is gorgeous and with that lovely chocolate colour, big floppy ears and big droopy eyes, I reckon she has to be a GSP is disguise :rofl::laugh:

Her name is also beautiful :laugh: :D :)

Edited for poor spelling ...

Edited by BellasPerson
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I asked Mum to type this up for me. ;)

I had a busy morning today, they dont stop here, they must think I know everything already.

I went to the park for a walk to meet Mums and Rexs friends, Mum carried me around again and considering that it ws very scary thank DOG she did. I was welcomed by all Mums friends and got heaps of attention than all Rexs friends wanted to meet me, but we were only allowed to sniff noses while I sat on Mums lap. I think I was accepted OK, noone wanted to hurt me, not even Dokia, and I have been told to watch my back, just in case. She actually didnt want to know me, said hello and left, thats fine by me.

After Rex played with his friends and they all left Mum put me on the ground to explore, that was a nice place, lots of tall trees, nice grass. She wanted to play with me chase and tug, she took this silly belt out of her jacket, she must be crazy thinking Ill play with that. I chose the handle of the retraceable lead instead. That was fun, its large, black, makes funny sound when droped to the ground and moves away when I just want to catch it... Sometimes Im quicker but I cant really bite it so I just stomp on it with my front feet and jump on it.

I only did a little dribble in the car on the way to the park, and none on the way back, but Im still very scared, and I shake and dont like it at all.

Im not sure about this crate bussiness, I went inside it today by myslef few times just for moment, its not bad at all, but when that door shuts and Im by myself I hate it and I let the whole world know about it. Shame noone comes to my rescue.

Rex is really nice guy, he is gentle with me, originally I thought of him as of a peadophile (sp) but he has calmed down a lot Mum says. He even plays with me sometimes. He shares his bed and lounge with me no problems, but I shall not be going near his toys and certainly not near his food, he got very very angry at me today over a piece of lamb flap that he found somewhere (I must have left it behind) lucky Mum was just there and cought him while I had a split second to run away.

We dont eat together, Mum says thats not a good idea. In fact this eating business is puzzling, she ties me up to a tree before I can eat, some silly idea that I havent figured out as yet and I only bite the leash that Im on.

And today I have learned a first word - SIT, Mum says she will get be told off for that, as Ill be sitting in the showring for sure, but she doesnt care.

I still dont know my name


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