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K9 Force Info Night - Central Coast, Nsw


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For those people who have shown interest, I have just PMed you with more info on how to confirm your spot/s.

If you haven't received a PM, please let me know....

Over the weekend we installed a flood light in the back yard so that we can actually see some dogs in action on the night! ;)

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Hi Everyone,

I have had a lot of interest in this info night, but not many people have actually paid K9 yet. As we are only 11 days out from the info night, I would like to get numbers etc confirmed, so please send your payment to K9 asap.

If you have not received a PM with information on how to proceed, please let me know and I will send instructions on payment etc.



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Okay, here's an update:

Due to a couple of people not being able to make it, we now have a couple of extra places available at the info night.

Please PM me if you're interested....

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LOL, im pretty sure jbbb and flames_daddy know how much im looking forward to it!!! my girl Karma is going to have a great time showing off and scabbing cuddles from everyone...

Edited by rubeedoo
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Hi Gang! Thanks to Steve for an interesting and informative evening of K9 Force training. I learned some new stuff and cosoloditated previous information and I feel I can progress with Flame - especially with the E-collar.

It was nice to see you all and have chat - I was sorry that Rubeedoo and her friend Kellie had to leave a bit early, and that Karma was not on centre stage - but there is always "next time" :rofl:

Special mention to Diva's debut as the puppyish centre of attention. How cute was she???? And my compliments to Bear for his friendly licks and hugs :laugh: and to Ben for his skillz.

Myszka thank you for making such a yummy dinner! I'm sure everyone would agree it was very TASTY :rofl:


Edited by Flames_Daddy
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Thank you to Flame-s daddy and Jbbb for organising last night (and for the great directions I wish I had read!!) The dinner was wonderful and much appreciated.

What a great group of dogs and DOLers. My friend Karen is going to go back to NZ and spread the word re the Lord Of The Drives so we will soon be part of an International Clique!!

As for K9Force - I need to sharpen up my retention skills as there is just so much advice and knowledge imparted that I always go home with my mind reeling. Seeing Ben actually learning while in drive so fast and happily was just great and I promise I will get my footskills better so i can keep up with him. :rofl:

Thanks so much for another great night, guys and I have a newly developed soft spot for Baby Dobies!

Anyone who has the opportunity to attend one of K9Force's nights GO TO IT!! It will increase your understanding of your dog and ultimately hugely benefit your relationship which is what we all want (Your relationship with your dog I mean!!)

Altho some of K9's advice is definitely transferable to kids...... :laugh:

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