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Got the blood results back today. High white cell count, high kidney and liver enzymes, pre-renal symptoms and dehydration (because he's not eating or drinking much) so he's booked in for surgery first thing tomorrow morning :laugh: They are going to try and locate the tumour and remove, or if it can't be removed, take a biopsy and then hopefully find a medication that will get rid of it. But I have fingers crossed that they can just get the little blighter and we'll get our old dog back!Please cross your fingers for the boy and I'll update tomorrow after his surgery, and thanks again for your support everyone :D

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So sorry to hear about Lane Wyv...I have GSDs & I have had my old girl misdiagnosed as well by a very well known vet....so I know how your feeling.....good luck tomorrow, will be thinking of you & Lane...We are all in your corner.....GSDs are fighters, he will fight back :laugh: he looks beautiful...will say a little prayer tonight....


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Well sadly, things have not been working out for the best. He had surgery today and when they opened him up discovered that his liver is 4 times the normal size. It's so big, it's starting to split across the surface....................The lump they saw in the x-rays was actually his spleen being pushed out of the way as his liver is pushing on everything inside there. The vet has told me she doesn't expect him to survive the surgery as it may have been the thing that will topple the liver over the edge. She has never seen anything like it and has told us the prognosis is not good. :thumbsup: I haven't told my husband yet as I can't bear it, he loves that dog :thumbsup: We will have our fingers crossed that the results of the biopsy come back asap and there MAY be some treatment we can put him on, but the vet has told us not to get our hopes up. :love: She said it could be a shunt not working properly, as his gall bladder is very distended as well, could be a genetic disease that he was born with and has taken this long to catch up with him. Anyway I'm bawling my eyes out now, and just wanted to say thankyou to everyone who gave me support through this and I still have my fingers crossed that he can come out the other side ok. The vet said she can't beleive that the only symptoms he was showing was slight pain and lethargy! *sigh* :laugh::laugh::laugh::vomit::rock:

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Wyv ..... I'm truley sorry for your news, and for Lane. He's such a lovely dog and he is lucky to have parents such as yourself and your OH.

All the best - I remain with fingers crossed and heartfelt wishes for some good in amongst the bad and hope that things can be turned around to help Lane. :thumbsup:

Edited by Erny
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We've made the decision to have our gorgeous boy PTS. The vets says there is only a very small chance that there will be something that can help him, and he's in huge amounts of pain. I can't beleive this has happened and so quickly! I had him with me at K9 Force's Melbourne Workshop and I learnt so much and was sooo looking forward to putting everything I'd learnt into action with him, and hopefully competing with him one day. He'd come along in leaps and bounds with his agression problems thanks to that training and Erny's help and advice, and has so much potential :thumbsup: Goodbye friend, I wish that we had had more time together and even though your life was too short, I hope that you enjoyed it with me. Walks won't be the same without you now.

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:thumbsup: Goodbye Lane. You are way too young to cross the rainbow bridge :thumbsup:

I am so utterly sorry wyverblade :laugh::laugh::laugh: You're stories on training in drive inspired me...

Bellasperson, Bella and Bruno

PS Wyv, if you feel up to it you could change the original post title people will understand what happened.

Edited by BellasPerson
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My heart goes out to you, I am so sorry for your boy, may he RIP, know that you have made the selfless act to release him from his pain. :thumbsup:

A Parting Prayer

Dear Lord, please open your gates

and call St. Francis

to come escort this beloved companion

across the Rainbow Bridge.

Assign him to a place of honor,

for he has been a faithful servant

and has always done his best to please me.

Bless the hands that send him to you,

for they are doing so in love and compassion,

freeing him from pain and suffering.

Grant me the strength not to dwell on my loss.

Help me remember the details of his life

with the love he has shown me.

And grant me the courage to honor him

by sharing those memories with others.

Let him remember me as well

and let him know that I will always love him.

And when it's my time to pass over into your paradise,

please allow him to accompany those

who will bring me home.

Thank you, Lord,

for the gift of his companionship

and for the time we've had together.

And thank you, Lord,

for granting me the strength

to give him to you now.


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Wyv - :thumbsup: I am so very very sorry for your loss. Words seem so insufficient and ineffectual at this time, but, when you're ready, I hope you find comfort in the support they represent. My sincerest condolences.

RIP Lane ..... I'm glad to have had the opportunity to meet you and work with you, if only for a short time. :thumbsup:

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