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Well thought it was time for an update (As well as an opportunity to say to Stamp, please make your mum send us a video!!)

I am officially in trouble. Blackbanned, outcast and grounded. I have been shunned from my own house and all for the silliest of reasons!! You see, the German Shepherd is not offically mine. He was bought by me as a present for my husband. And I did my research and bought one from schutzhund backgrounds, not show lines. Which means he is very active and loves to be working. Which I have been exploiting. Shamefully. And to my own downfall! Apparently the shepherd is very very happy with this new fandangled training method. He gets excited, he whines, he whinges, he lunges and snaps and he's learning very very fast. HOWEVER he is not my dog. AND he will now not even sit for my hubby WITH a piece of food!!! I had a very irate husband come stomping into the house and told me his dog had completely ignored him when he went to say hello, and that he wouldn't even sit for him even though he had CHICKEN! :rofl: I have now been told in no uncertain terms that I am not to 'play' with him, feed him or train him as the dog doesn't like him anymore :D BUT hubby is now VERY interested in this training method and will start using it with the dog himself :mad I had to giggle when I took my Dobe outside for his training session, and hubby was in the yard with the GSD waving a piece of chicken in front of his face while the GSD's eyes were riveted on the ball I had in my hand! :laugh: *sigh* I'm am really loving this........................... :thumbsup: (And yes I am just ever so slightly evil. Just slightly :rofl: )

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In a big way.

A question please. Peppa. She is going well in training. Luckily she is relaxed in her off time, otherwise she will turn grey fast.

Her trembling during training is still a concern. I know it is not poor nerves. Should I break her focus by petting/stroking before sending?

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I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ... I love walking Bella ...

Have been doing the training in drive for three weeks and changed out whole walking structure - using prong and new regimen. The results are fantastic. Bella and I are both loving it :thumbsup::laugh::laugh::laugh: - we are both so much more relaxed I want to walk all day now :thumbsup:

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Wyv began this thread and wrote it with the tone of humour and light. When I read it, I was personally delighted at the enthusiasm that was shining through and was cheered at news of Lane's training progress.

For those who may not be aware, Lane became ill very quickly and crossed the Rainbow Bridge today.

HERE's the link to Lane's quick but sad story for those who might wish to read and provide their support and sentiments.

Wyv - I know that your loss is great, but cherish that Lane came into your life and the experiences and knowledge you have sought and gained as a result. I hope this is of some comfort to you at some stage and that, because of Lane, you will be able to pass on the expertise your knowledge has granted you, to another lucky dog who will have the good fortune of becoming a member of your household.

Edited by Erny
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Wyv began this thread and wrote it with the tone of humour and light. When I read it, I was personally delighted at the enthusiasm that was shining through and was cheered at news of Lane's training progress.

Ditto. :thumbsup:

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Oh God, I am so very sorry. You gave Lane a great life which should have carried on for many, many more years. I am sorry for your loss but glad that Lane lived a life most dogs (sadly) will never know.

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