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How To Fatten Up A Greyhound Pup

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Hi guys ;)

After a few little dramas with my gorgeous little Grey pup Zahra she is doing really really well.

She is a fantastic pup and a real character.

She's eating well now and we haven't had any more issues so touch wood that is the end of the problems with her for awhile anyway :D

The only concern that I have is that she is a bit underweight.

She is approx 9-10kgs (not sure because my scales at home aren't accurate) and is almost 15weeks. Her brother Ziggy is about 13kgs and is huge! :)

She eats 2 cups of dry food (she will only eat Supercoat :rolleyes) with natural, lactose free yoghurt for breakfast, is feed a chicken wing or a few chicken necks when I get home from work and then for dinner she is fed 2 cups of dry food with either chicken wings or chicken frames. She is a bit of a fussy eater and doesn't seem to really like vegies or beef.

She isn't starving or anything but I feel that she is a little underweight, even though her ribs aren't poking out or anything I would feel happier is she had a bit more coverage over her ribcage.

If anyone has any ideas they would be much appreciated.

I know there are a few grey owners on DOL and I've never owned a grey before so if I am doing something wrong please feel free to tell me :)



Edited by CountryGirl
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Sounds like she's eating a good amount :) Have you tried her with lamb flaps? They helped to get some weight on Poppy when she was sick.

Stella (5 months, weighs approx 13kg) is eating 1 c Eagle Pack with warm water for breakie, and then another cup of dry with a chicken frame (plus whatever extra goodies are on hand) for dinner. She's slowly putting on weight!

If you can't see Zahra's ribs I wouldn't worry too much, Ziggy's probably just going to be a big boy :D

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Kabana, black pudding and kransky will fatten her up and she won't be able to resist it... I almost guarantee it!

However, she sounds okay to me... she's eating well. Most grey girls are littler than boys aren't they? I have seen some as small as 23kg! (my boofa boys are 34kgs!)

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she looks fine to me, not that i have really had much to do with land sharks....

My little girl, maya, will be 2 next month and she tips the scales at about 23kg. she was 21 when we got her. She looks to be a good weight, can see the ribs and hip bones as you are supposed to with greyhounds.

I used to think they were both (jefferson too) on the skinny side, but then i used to have labradors... I love the look of them now, seeing the muscle definition - they are such a graceful breed!

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I think that maybe you are expecting a bit much from a hound puppy.

They are not naturally chubby, she looks gorgeous and her condition looks great. :thumbsup:

Sighthounds can be frustrating for people not used to them, but honestly she looks good, stop worrying.

You don't want her growing too fast and carrying too much weight whilst she is growing anyway.

Edited by Nadia
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Anne I think she looks good

Don't worry so much! I know it's different breed of dog but Eddie has always been slim, no matter how mych we feed him, some dogs are just like that, especially greys as they are not a chubby dog :thumbsup:

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I'll second Nadia :thumbsup: Zahra looks greyt! The picture of health. Sounds like she is eating heaps if she eats all that food you listed. I wouldn't worry about the vegies, they are not an important part of a dog's diet.

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Hi Anne,

The Eagle Pack Power formula is a great formula to help put weight on in whippets and greyhounds. I dont reccomend doing this though until your puppy is at least 10 months old as it is generally an adult formula.

This has been highly documented and proven by many greyhound and whippet breeders asnd owners throughout Australia.

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You will find that most commercial dog food manufacturers have a formula for either highly active working dogs, or those who have trouble keeping on weight. But for a puppy you should use a puppy formula.

I am not a sales representative for any company but feed mine Nutro which is a superior commercial dry food. Please feel free to pm me if you would like any further information on the product.

Edited by Hesapandabear
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I can assure you that, if my old Poodle had a short coat like a Grey, you would have been seeing bones!

And you can also see the bones on our Dobe right now, just, but specially if she is streteched out a bit. She is not starved - she is actually a bit overfed at the moment. When she is in peak, working condition, you can see the ribs - just a bit - not sticking out and all. I also use other criteria in assessing my dogs condition - like her energy level - it goes down when she is overfed :) and the condition of her coat, the "look" in her eye etc.

We had a Grey here yesterday - and his cost was even shorter and finer than the Dobes coat is, so I really think you will have to get used to catching the odd glimpse of a rib now and then - or else you are going to have one very fat Grey. :D

Just as a matter of interest, a Greyhound trainer who used to live just down the road here told me one day in passing "If you want to take wait off a dog, just feed them Pal". :laugh:

Yours looks absolutely ............... spoiled, Country Girl.

BTW..........do I really have to get used to the name change? :D


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