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K9 Force - Melbourne Visit

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K9: Stillw aiting for them to arrivce from the states, should be any day now...

You like the new ball?

Liked the new ball, you mean LOL. Yes, but more importantly the dogs did too. An interesting test was with Peppa. Though she was very keen on the "old" ball, I noticed a definite preference for the lost ball.

I was so distracted loosing the ball, I left bumpers on the front of my vehicle. I pulled over when they fell off at the first turn, LOL. Forgot to take the damm peg off my jacket though while I shopped. My whistle looks bad enough!!!!

Yank is heeling like a star and improving in leaps and bounds in every other way.

Off to the pub for lunch!!!!

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Thanks about the balls, but are the balls you get different from the ones Ed Frawley markets? And is what you do with the balls and prey drive similar to what Bernhard Flinks does with the balls? Just interested. Thanks. :thumbsup:

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I guess the real question is whether you have seen or worked with Bernhard Flinks and Ed Frawly and if you have, then maybe your method is similar, that's all - just curious. :thumbsup:

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Mine wont go for a ball ... its tug toys or the string attached to the ball [lol] neither of them seem to keen to work for it but pull out the small tug and its walk over hot coals time hehehe

I've got my girl doing a nice shutzhund heel for me randomly now waiting to get the tug toy :thumbsup: amazing she just faffs around then sidles up to me and is glued like 'hey hey i'm behaving wheres my tplaytime tug time'

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Too funny wyvernblade.

Those who attended the recent SARDOG/K9 force seminar, might have noticed Yank, my wild youngster.

He makes even the darkest day, bright. I cannot believe the improvement.

BTW, no more nearly constant teeth chattering!!!! Woooooooo hoooooooooo.

Edited by Lablover
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I tell you Erny,

His chattering was apparent before he arrived. But not mentioned until, he was being checked by the US vets. The pet transport company telephoned me to mention the vets did not think it a medical problem. They also said when the vets saw him, they all laughed. Meanies, as they had never had a dog so "out there" ever before.

When I first saw him in quarantine he chattered his teeth LOUD and constantly.

I did worry if the teeth chattering did not pass, he would indeed end up with false teeth at a very early age.

The strange thing is, I have since found out his dam, teeth clatters, while Yanks has ceased. Interesting!!!!|!

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