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K9 Force - Melbourne Visit

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Hey while I think of it - did Steve say where we could get those "prey ball/stringy" toys from.... I thought I heard him say it was on the website but I couldn't find it..... I knew I should've bought one on the day :)

I missed it ...... but I wouldn't think they'd be too difficult to make yourself - if you can find the right ball and a piece of rope. ;)

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Hey while I think of it - did Steve say where we could get those "prey ball/stringy" toys from.... I thought I heard him say it was on the website but I couldn't find it..... I knew I should've bought one on the day ;)

It's called an "Orbee-Tuff" ball - i think steve is selling them so just email him or google it.

ps. Fantastic SAR work with Julie and Andrew (and their dogs of course) - i know who i would be calling if i was lost.

5 people spread over a large area found in 15minutes with 2 dogs - WOW.


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and i was the hardest one to find!! nyuk nyuk nyuk >:)

nah seriously even with me hiding in a bugger of a spot (ner ner Steve i hid better than you) the dogs still did a totally awesome job of finding us all, i'm blown away! :D

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What a fantastic 3 days we have spent with Steve and the workshop attendees. This is the first Victorian workshop Sarda has been involved in and from comments throughout the course it was very well received. We all had a great time, the weather remanied favourable until the later part of yesterday when we were out searching for the 5 victims in the dual dog search. You will be pleased to know that we successfully retrieved Steve (who wanted to be a victim) from the "snake pit" ;)

I really hope that all who attended gained a more indepth insight to the capabilities of a search & rescue dog and the "behind the scene" requirements to make successful dog/handler relationship. The combination of Training in Drive/Search & Rescue workshop really complimented each other.

A huge thank you must go again to Steve for allowing us to use his very high profile to achieve recognition and from these three days we have gained an enormous step forward.

It was great to meet the people behind the psuedo dol posters and I would like to sincerely thank Lablover and her boys (Stamp and Yank) for a great three days and their excellent contribution. I think we wore her out..... :) On a sadder note, Lablover's Mum passed away yesterday morning. Our sincere condolences are extended to her from the the Sarda team.

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On a sadder note, Lablover's Mum passed away yesterday morning. Our sincere condolences are extended to her from the the Sarda team.

;) Oh gosh. My deepest sympathies to you, Lablover. If there is anything I can do to help you in this time, please let me know. You have my number.

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Hi all,

Lablover sorry to hear the sad news about your mum...

Fridays workshop was absolutely awsome... good to see other DOLers there too.

Fido666 I was next to you on your left ;)

I had the Dane that got sent home in the morning - but he came back after the workshop for Steve to have a look at him.

Scope would love a copy of that DVD please..



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Had a great weekend!!! as per usual. This time was extra special being given the opportunity to watch some wonderful dogs working. I learnt a lot about scent and how the dogs utilise it, thank you to Julie and Andrew.

Thanks to Steve I had a quite a few "duhh of course that's why my dog is doing that" moments, which is the reason we come down to Melbourne:) I met some very nice people and like I said we had a great time, looking forward to the next one :)

My deepest sympathy to you and your family LL ;)



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Hi all,

Lablover sorry to hear the sad news about your mum...

Fridays workshop was absolutely awsome... good to see other DOLers there too.

Fido666 I was next to you on your left :rofl:

I had the Dane that got sent home in the morning - but he came back after the workshop for Steve to have a look at him.

Scope would love a copy of that DVD please..



Hi Ya Gillian,

Ahh you were the one with the Dane I met very late in the day. What a good boy he was with that nifty piece of equipment, there's no way I could hold a dog that size back (I have enough trouble holding back my 10 mth old wannabe sled dog :laugh: ). Man was it dark on the way home, I ended up going home a different way then how I got there, went through some place called Kings Creek, can't drive and navigate unfortunately.

Hey Scope,

Make sure you recover your costs for those DVDs, they aren't free after all.



ETA: Sorry to hear about your Mum Lablover.

Edited by fido666
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Thanks for the info on the prey toy guys - don't like my chances of finding anything similar where I am! Sounds like the weekend was fantastic - don't know how you managed to do all three days, I was still processing it all when I got home late Friday night, another two days would've done me in I reckon :laugh:

So sorry to hear about your Mum Lablover - my condolences to you and your family at this difficult time :rofl::rofl:

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KK: But when I get to being out and about in a leash free park with it, won't the other dogs be TOO interested in her and her collar??

K9: lol, no shouldnt do.... But remember that you train under low distraction, which means no ther dogs....


Feral pup: I didn't realise we wouldn't be working with them at all and in hindsight would've left her at home....

K9: Hi there, its very hard to work every dog as you dont want to take someones dog for say drive work & the dog has low or no useable drive... some find it a little embarassing although there is nothing to be embarassed about.

I did write this [below] in the info mail sent out with the address etc, I hope you did recieve it.

3. EXPECTATIONS. This is a workshop that you come to to learn. Your dog will not leave trained, hence bringing your dog is optional. Whilst I would like to work every dog in attendance during the day, time constraints will mean I am unable to guarantee this, but I will do my very best.


K9: Let me know in any way if you were ot satisfied with the workshop & I would be happy to issue you a refund...

W: I am going to wake up feeling dissapointed tomorrow that I'm not travelling back there again.

K9: Im sure we all feel the same, I know I do....

FP: Hey while I think of it - did Steve say where we could get those "prey ball/stringy" toys from.... I thought I heard him say it was on the website but I couldn't find it..

K9: I really do have to update that site of mine, they arent there yet..

Email me if you need one, they are the best ball on a string I have ever come across...


SARDOG: A huge thank you must go again to Steve for allowing us to use his very high profile to achieve recognition and from these three days we have gained an enormous step forward.

K9: Always happy to work with you & Andrew Julie, everything you have done only lays compliment to what I teach...


K9: I would like to thank the whole SARDOG team & the attendants of the three days we put on...

Everyone always is so nice when I travel its always too soon when I leave...

Im sure with very little encouragement we will all be working together again soon....

Lablover Stamps perfromance & yours was awesome, as usual & thank you sincerly for allowing me to show you pair off....

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Sincere thanks for the PMs, Emails and messages regarding the loss of my dearly loved mother.

Although her health had been deteriorating, especially in the last two years, since leukemia and lymphoma were diagnosed over 14 years ago, she continued with life smiling and fighting.

It was a terrible shock finding her on Sunday night. I find comfort in the knowledge she died peacefully. So much like her to leave with no fuss.

She was my mother, and I, of course loved her. I used to rather proud when even new people, commented she was special.

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