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Handlers Spitting Food Or Holding Food In Mouth

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"Interesting fact. If a person with a disability spits, throws or holds food in their mouth, this is classified as inappropriate behaviour or challenging behaviour. yet non disabled people can do it all in the name of possitive food training "

Oh dear. What happens to a partially diasbled positive trainer like myself? I was just going to push your line of thinking a bit and figure out what I could get away with in the ring. May be I could drool food. I could get that one going naturally on a bad day, and imagine how much I could sue for if I got NQ'd for that. Never thought of that before.

I have always had real questions on "inappropriate behaviour or challenging behaviour". I think it means that it makes other people uncomfortable. Have a thought for how uncomfortable it makes the disabled person. Personally, I just get on with it and have a life. If others stare or reject or patronise me, or think I am IH becuase I have a slight physical disability, I just move on to people who are worth knowing. My dogs have more sense and couldn't care less.

In future, please think before you offend. I am in a good mood today so I am not offending back.

:( To whom am I suppose to be offending? I have people with disabilities within my family :D

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:) I doubt I could spit straight enough, but I've seen this method used before. What I do is hold a piece of food up high, right next to my eyes and say "watch"!!!. If Indi looks up into my eyes she gets the treat. I don't know if it's correct or not, but so far it's working for when I need to get her attention.

I went to the gym tonight, and went through my pockets for some spare change and found a bag of dog treats :D I think all my clothes have dog treats stashed in them these days... :(

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"Interesting fact. If a person with a disability spits, throws or holds food in their mouth, this is classified as inappropriate behaviour or challenging behaviour. yet non disabled people can do it all in the name of possitive food training "

Oh dear. What happens to a partially diasbled positive trainer like myself? I was just going to push your line of thinking a bit and figure out what I could get away with in the ring. May be I could drool food. I could get that one going naturally on a bad day, and imagine how much I could sue for if I got NQ'd for that. Never thought of that before.

I have always had real questions on "inappropriate behaviour or challenging behaviour". I think it means that it makes other people uncomfortable. Have a thought for how uncomfortable it makes the disabled person. Personally, I just get on with it and have a life. If others stare or reject or patronise me, or think I am IH becuase I have a slight physical disability, I just move on to people who are worth knowing. My dogs have more sense and couldn't care less.

In future, please think before you offend. I am in a good mood today so I am not offending back.

:rofl: To whom am I suppose to be offending? I have people with disabilities within my family :)

Offended? How is that statement of truth offensive? It is an interesting fact, that I'm sure most people aren't aware of. Sharing facts about disabilities I would have thought is the best way to create awareness and understanding. There is nothing in that statement that I see, that could be constrewed as insulting or offensive :D

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I know that the club I attend uses positive reinforcment/food and they teach the beginners to place the food on their forehead and say their bridge word, gradually the dog will look at your face with the bridge word only..thats the theory. Me, I just keep talking to my dog in a happy tone and hes' watching and listening all along..but he LOVES me :) :D

I remember some uproar at a trial years ago where a handler was seen rubbing raw sausage on her left pants leg in the carpark before entering a ring, a steward saw it and it was all over the place before she entered the ring...biggest audience for an Open ring I had ever seen :(:rofl::rofl::):)

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Silly question maybe...but where are you aiming to spit the food with this method? Is the dog meant to catch it? :D

On the mater of

"Interesting fact. If a person with a disability spits, throws or holds food in their mouth, this is classified as inappropriate behaviour or challenging
My son is special needs/ disabled/ whatever LABEL society places on it and his dribbling , speech, oral and food issues have never been a problem to anyone in any of our community be it shops, school, pre school whatever. Nothing is every black or white but many shades of gray. :)
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Silly question maybe...but where are you aiming to spit the food with this method? Is the dog meant to catch it? :D

Yep - straight from your mouth and hopefully into that of your dog's. :( Me? It tends to go anywhere and everywhere but. :)

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