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Hi People!

Tomorrow is the big day - we are heading off for a 2 hour drive to pick up our pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy :D He will be 8 weeks old.

Just a few last minute questions which I am sure the breeder will be helpful in guiding.... but anyway;

1) What kind of bed/sleeping area is best for the pup - newspaper/basket + blanket?

2) Suggestions on diet in these early stages?

3) I was told by a friend who has owned many dogs to have the pup desexed around 5 months rather than at 6 months. This way the boost in testosterone which kicks in at 6 months is avoided and the dog will not pick up some of those nasty male habits... Old wives tale :o

Thanks for your help in advance. And if you have any more advice please do let me know as this is our first dog :D



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Most people suggest crate training. Try searching threads in the training forum and general dog forum. I have never done crate training so I can't offer any advice. I got my 1st 'kid' Orson (got him at 7 weeks) a polar fleece blanket because it's not heavy and it's warm. I had my spare bathroom transformed into a sleeping area for Orson. I had newspaper all over the floor so wherever he does his business, he would do it on the paper. Eventually he started doing it in one spot (near the bathtub) and it's turned out well for us.

I'm sure your breeder can give you pointers on a suitable diet for your baby. I didn't get any diet sheets or anything when I got my 2nd 'kid' Oi but they've been very helpful and have answered any questions I've had which is fantastic.

I got both my 'kids' desexed when they were around 6 months. That's what my vet suggested. Try searching the Health forum, there's bound to be an abundance of information about desexing. He should be alright to be desexed at 6 months tho. I think females have more of a problem because they do go on heat. I managed to get Oi desexed in time (she was just starting to go on heat but the vet said it was alright).

Good luck with your puppy!!!!! Make sure to post pics when you get him! Have you got a name decided yet?

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Hi People!

Tomorrow is the big day - we are heading off for a 2 hour drive to pick up our pembroke Welsh Corgi puppy :D He will be 8 weeks old.

Just a few last minute questions which I am sure the breeder will be helpful in guiding.... but anyway;

1) What kind of bed/sleeping area is best for the pup - newspaper/basket + blanket?

2) Suggestions on diet in these early stages?

3) I was told by a friend who has owned many dogs to have the pup desexed around 5 months rather than at 6 months. This way the boost in testosterone which kicks in at 6 months is avoided and the dog will not pick up some of those nasty male habits... Old wives tale :o

Thanks for your help in advance. And if you have any more advice please do let me know as this is our first dog :D



Well Congratulations on the intending new arrival

First of all be guided by your breeder . They have fed your puppy for the first 8 weeks of his life. Not knowing details your breeder should be making you aware of what is required in all aspects of raising one of her puppies she or he has bred for you to purchase

Myself as a registered breeder have follow up plan with every puppy that I have sold. over the years have made a very firm friendship with all of them. Even had a phone call yesturday from one of puppy owners who needed a question answered about her five and half year old she had purchased from us as a puppy.As you can see Sameer we are commited to help when needed.

Sleeping [it is imperative the 8 week old puppy is kept warm away from high winds [etc] and the cold. and rain [if we ever receive any] Teaching a puppy in the craft of sleeping in a dog crate has many benefits Placing bed and toys and water

he can soon learn to be able to cope where you put him.

As far as having your dog desexed [My personal oppionion] If you are not going to breed with him or show him then to avoid problems down the track certainly have him desexed large breeds can be desexed at 8-10 weeks and the smaller breeds from 10-12 weeks quite safely

Sameer Your breeder should give you a current vaccination card with the information stating date when the next shot is needed also what type of treatment was used to worm him and also when he due again.

If you look in the pinned section of Puppy problems You will see what I wrote in two sections. Feel free to print it out

As far as a Diet for your new dog as I said before Please be guided by your breederIt would be totally inappropriate for me to comment as having large german shepherds our diets would be very different to a small dog Questons ask your breeder how many times a day she is feeding him Myself always follow up with my new puppy owners to see how they are coping No matter how silly the question may seem to you, It is better to talk to the breeder to solve problems earlier rather than later.

Good luck with your furkid

love my german shepherds

kojak :D :D :hug:

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